In Baldur’s Gate 3 you don’t travel alone through the world, but have companions (companions) at your side. But which companions are right for me and what does a perfect group look like? We at MeinMMO reveal it in this guide.
What is behind the Companions? These are NPCs that you can recruit to join your group. They support you both in combat and in exploration. They each have their own skills, attributes, equipment and backstory.
A group can consist of a total of four characters in the game – including yourself. However, you can unlock all companions and exchange them. Romances are also possible with all companions.
How many companions are there? Baldur’s Gate 3 currently has ten companions to choose from. They also represent the classes that you can play yourself:
Which companions are the strongest? Opinions vary here, but Lae’Zel, Gale, and Astarion tend to be among the highest ranked. But sheer strength alone is not decisive. What is more important is what role they fulfill in the group and that you have a balanced group.
We will now explain what such a group looks like.
The best class for beginners in Baldur’s Gate 3
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A balanced group for beginners
What components should each group meet? Groups in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be built in different ways, for example with a focus on high damage, a focus on stealth or a focus on dialogue and entertaining experiences.
However, we recommend a balanced group for beginners, consisting of:
Depending on which role you take on yourself, you can put together your group with the three companions accordingly.
Which class fulfills which role?
A good group consists, for example, of Lae’zel in melee combat, Shadowheart as a support, Gale as a mage and yourself as a generalist such as a bard, rogue or ranger.
The beauty of this setup is that it works both ways: you can customize your party to your class, or your class to your party if you’ve grown fond of certain companions, for example.
Don’t always rely on the same attributes
What mistake should you avoid making in your group? There are six attributes in Baldur’s Gate 3:
In your group, you should always make sure that you don’t occupy too many attributes. If your group only consisted of characters who rely on strength, then this would result in two problems: On the one hand, you sometimes cannot find equipment for all characters quickly enough, and on the other hand, the drops with other stats are useless for you – no matter how good the drop is .
Our balanced group consists of Lae’zel, who focuses on strength, Shadowheart, who needs wisdom, Gale, who focuses on intelligence, and herself, who focuses on dexterity. It can hardly be distributed much better.
The “best” groups on offense
What are the strongest groups? If you’re purely focused on high damage, you have two good options, one more melee-focused and one more ranged-focused.
The melee group relies on:
This combo deals a lot of damage, is always close together and just feels really good.
For the pure ranged group you rely on:
This combo relies on you taking out enemies so quickly that you don’t even need a tank. The variant is a bit risky, but can be very rewarding in the end because it is just so much fun.
A third funny combo relies on a lot of stealth and charisma and is often referred to as a “social group”:
Basically, there are no limits to your fantasy in Baldur’s Gate 3.
What do you say about the companions? Which companions have you perhaps also particularly taken to your heart?
You can find more useful tips here: Baldur’s Gate 3: “Turn off Gamer’s Brain” Fan shares 5 helpful tips that even experienced gamers don’t know.