Baldur’s Gate 3 is actually supposed to offer over 100 hours of play time. However, the first players have now discovered that the game can end much earlier – albeit more or less unintentionally. At least it’s not a cruel death, but something like a “happy ending”.
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Is this really a “happy ending”? Depends on how you see it. The narrator says that your character has never felt happier. But that’s probably not a real “end” since no credits run across the screen.
Actually, this death only happens if you fail two really easy Wisdom saving throws. This has actually happened a few times according to PCGamer, where this ending was “discovered”.
You can also choose to surrender to the mind flayer at will. But the better option is to crush his head. This is what happens when you kill him directly.
Launch trailer for the role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3
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17,000 different endings – Even without the Mindflayer
Baldur’s Gate 3 actually offers hundreds of hours of gameplay unless you’re being eaten by a mind flayer and taking that as the end. Depending on how you decide, the degree can even be very different.
The developers spoke of over 17,000 different outcomes for the story. At the moment we can only speculate what these are. However, even within the editorial team, we already have dozens of different stories to tell.
Just how you behave can make a big difference in the outcome. For example, I decided to play an advanced character and promptly lost half of my companions. Now I am following a thoroughly evil path.
But Baldur’s Gate 3 provides that you let off steam and use everything that’s possible. Every creative solution is somehow rewarded and almost everything works – even things that are absurd even for a fantasy world:
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