The boss of Larian, Swen Vincke, is no longer working on Baldur’s Gate 3, but on his next project. Only he knows what exactly that is. Nevertheless, he’s already talking about it on
This is the tweet: In a post on X from January 8, 2024, Swen Vincke shares his current enthusiasm. After 4 months he finally figured out what would be Act 1 of his next “thing”.
After many rejected ideas, he finally found a direction. Such work can be frustrating, but in the end even such rejected “drafts” help with development. They could certainly be installed somehow.
After months in which he felt like a failure because everyone asked about the common thread, he now finally feels enthusiasm again. And he wanted to share it.
Why is this exciting?
Accordingly, thousands of fans are now eagerly awaiting what will come next from Swen Vincke and his team.
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Vincke says clearly: What he writes is not intended to be a teaser for an announcement. It will take some time before the studio can talk about what he is currently working on. Nevertheless, the rumors are running hot and the discussion quickly spills over to Reddit and Co.
The fans are wondering what Swen Vincke could be working on. The biggest guess and wish as of now is a sequel to Divitiny: Original Sin 2 and a DLC for Baldur’s Gate 3.
However, both are rather unlikely: Vincke previously said in an interview that the team no longer wanted to tackle such extensive RPGs (via YouTube). And Vincke is no longer working on Baldur’s Gate 3 anyway; he is already focusing on other projects.
And what is Swen Vincke working on now? Back in December 2023, the boss tweeted that he was working on a new fishing game. It’s hard to say whether it was just a joke or not – but the response was very positive. A lot of fans would play that.
Vincke writes that the new project is “not what you think”, so Divinity would also be dropped. There is speculation about a science fiction game, but nothing concrete yet.
Apparently the only thing that is clear is that it is actually a new game and not a book or a series. This is explicitly stated in Vincke’s profile.
A date is still missing, but there are already rough indications. The Larian boss, for example, responded to a joking reaction to “GOTY 2029” by saying that at first he wanted to defend himself – but then he counted his fingers. So it will probably be a while before we know more. If you want concrete information about upcoming games, you can find the 5 most promising new MMORPGs for 2024 and beyond here.