The role -playing game Baldur’s Gate 3 has reached a rare milestone on Steam, of which each new MMORPG can only dream, but only very few achieve: the number of players has been at a high level for a year, with only low fluctuations. That was actually not intended at all. The last new MMORPGs, New World and Lost Ark, can only dream of such a constant.
What has Baldur’s Gate 3 achieved on Steam? Baldur’s Gate 3 did the feat of establishing a constant player base on Steam over a period of one year, from February 2024 to 2025, and at a very high level:
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Baldur’s Gate 3 reaches a remarkable number of players on Steam and holds it
Why is that so special? Like every game, Baldur’s Gate 3 had a “hype phase” for the release, with such a high number of players that it could be held impossible over a longer period of time. With Baldur’s Gate 3, that was 450,000 players.
However, art is to keep as high as possible, after this initial hype that you can find and on which you can stay.
At Baldur’s Gate 3, this level is at an extremely high level with around 67,000 to 63,000. The fluctuations are relatively low and are only a few percentage points in most months.
With new MMORPGs, the number of players goes up and down like a jojo
How about MMORPGs? In recent years there have been two relevant new MMORPGs on Steam, both of them were released by Amazon.
With the Free2Play MMORPG Lost Ark, the initial Steam release with 700,000 average players was extremely high. But the game never managed to establish such a level. The number of players fluctuated strongly, it was an up and down. The number of players changed by 40 % or 60 % in the last calendar year from month to month.
In New World, 65 % of the players disappeared from the previous month in June 2024.
At New World we see a similar phenomenon: a huge influx at the beginning, followed by a free fall in the number of players. Here, too, we see strong fluctuations during the last calendar year: In October 2024, the number of players even gave rise to 374 % after they have been fell by 34 % to 10 % for 11 months.
The number of players from Baldur’s Gate 3, New World and Lost Ark developed on Steam from February 2024 to February 2025:
Baldur’s Gate 3 creates a world in which the players entertain themselves
Why is that? Baldur’s Gate 3 has succeeded in creating such fascinating characters and such an exciting game world that players want to spend time in this created game universe.
Therefore, a game forms a game that keeps itself happy:
This is the ideal idea of everyone who develops a service game or a MMORPG: from a critical mass, the game becomes a self-runner and the community wears it to large parts, while the developers only re-steer and extensions from the outside and patches must give.
With the MMORPGs, on the other hand, it is the case that they live very strongly from ever new content, which is new to the game and keeps lifting it up. If this new content is missing, interest in the game goes down significantly. To put it simplified:
Examples of Games who lived strongly from the community and the characters were overwatch in the past or gensin. Both games were significantly more successful in their wedding than they should have been from the pure game material.
The phenomenon of the long-term favorite games on Steam
There are also other games that succeed? There are a number of such long-running games that are played constantly throughout the year:
But in general, a consistently high player base over the period of one year is a rare and valuable phenomenon. This is an exceptional performance, especially with a classic single player title like Baldur’s Gate 3, which is actually intended as a linear campaign.
That is behind it: The enormous success of Baldur’s Gate 3 certainly has an impact on new role -playing games that appear. Because they appear in a world in which Baldur’s Gate 3 not only set new standards for the quality and longevity of role -playing games, but they also appear in a world in which a large part of the role players are still active Baldur’s Gate 3.
For the gaming industry, it is a big problem that your new games are increasingly competing with already established games that just don’t go away. For years it was a problem that had new MMORPGs in particular. In the meantime, however, it also affects new games of other genres: man behind Anthem explains why new MMOs fail so terribly: compares WoW with Starbucks