Bakery, natural products, real estate diagnosis… Five successful franchises

Bakery natural products real estate diagnosis Five successful franchises


After Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Latvia, CBWEED arrived in France in 2021. A successful establishment since the brand specializing in natural cannabis-based products has just opened its sixth store in Toulouse, bringing the total number of its franchises to 100. Its founder, Riccardo Ferrini, does not intend to stop there: he envisages 10 to 15 new openings within 12 months. It must be said that with a monthly turnover exceeding €23,000 per point of sale, the prospects are stimulating. In return for the entry fee (€15,000), the brand guarantees exclusivity in small towns (or in the districts of large cities), the construction and assembly of shelves. Not to mention the advertising material.

National Gold Counter

Between inflation and the war in Ukraine, the trade in precious materials has recovered. With some 200 million in turnover, the Comptoir National de l’Or relies on a dual strategy: the development of franchises on the one hand (it has 55) and that of its own stores. other (25). In total, this brand created in 2009 has 78 agencies spread over France and two in Germany. In exchange for an entry fee of €25,000 on average (it varies depending on the area in which they are established), franchisees can hope to achieve annual sales of between… €1.5 and €6 million. The monthly fee is then calculated based on the nature of the transaction.

Marie Blachere

715 is the number of Marie Blachère bakeries. If, until then, this brand founded in 2004 was exclusively present in mainland France, it recently set foot in Portugal and will soon establish itself in the overseas territories. The number 1 bakery is counting on around forty new openings in 2023 and intends to intensify its presence in airports, train stations and on motorway service areas. To join this network, you have to pay €40,000 in entry fees and collect between €100 and €150,000 in personal contributions. The brand is responsible for finding the premises of at least 350 m2. The surface area of ​​the points of sale integrated into the network of Grand Frais supermarkets and that of the passing shops is smaller since they do not have a restaurant area.

Diag Accuracy

In 2022, nearly 20,000 real estate diagnoses were carried out by the 33 franchises of Diag Précision, a brand present in mainland France and Guadeloupe. 14 new signatures are underway in new regions. The brand is counting on 25 openings at the end of 2023 – including some in the West Indies – before tackling other European countries (Spain and Portugal) in 2025. It must be said that the sector is buoyant. Aid for energy renovation has boosted this sector, which is already in great shape! Entry fees are limited to €5,000 (however, you must have the necessary certifications to exercise this profession). A vehicle and good equipment are then enough to start. The key is the promise of an annual turnover oscillating between 100,000 and 130,000 €.


With 30 million turnover, 300 franchises including 250 in France and more than 500,000 people supported since the opening in 2011, Dietplus displays insolent health! No need for advertising for this specialist in food rebalancing: 30% of franchisees are former customers seduced by the method. It must be said that the founder, Philippe Langohr, is a former obese and knows what his customers need and how to satisfy them. To join, the franchisee must pay an entry fee varying between €5,000 and €10,000. Profits are made on resold products – with a margin of 60%. Dietplus centers are usually profitable after 4 months. 30 to 40 new openings are planned for 2023.
