Bai Kamara Jr signs Africa-USA agreements

Bai Kamara Jr signs Africa USA agreements

Sierra Leonean bluesman Bai Kamara Jr. returns three years after “ living room “with a new album” traveling medicine man “. A luminous disc on the border between afro-blues and rock, with soft folk tones.

Her voice can be soft and even very suave when she sings about love. But it is also capable of expressing pain like in the blues or anger like in rock. His songs, often spiced with a tender irony, resonate with the traditions of African ancestors and black American music, and often draw attention to absolutely contemporary social and even political issues.

Three years ago in his album ” living room “, this Sierra Leonean who passed through England and now settled in Belgium was rediscovering the roots of his country of origin. In his new opus, the African sounds are still there, his American touch too with blues, rock, pop and even folk songs.

traveling medicine man », the new solo album of Bai Kamara Jr and The Voodoo Sniffers, is available from Mig Music/UVM.

On the menu of this Café Gourmand

  • Pascal Mulegwa went meet the artists and organizers of the 5th edition of the Street Art Festival “ Kin Graff from Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Clara Gabillet saw the movie A love story by director, actor and director Alexis Michalik.
  • Victor Misistrano went to the 100% Festival at La Villette, the contemporary art meeting place dedicated to young creation.
