Bahamas on track to legalize cannabis

Bahamas on track to legalize cannabis
full screen Cannabis plants in Antigua which has already relaxed its cannabis laws. Archive image. Photo: Jessie Wardarski/AP/TT

The government of the Bahamas has introduced several bills aimed at legalizing the use of cannabis for medicinal and religious purposes.

The government also wants to decriminalize possession of cannabis up to 30 grams. According to the proposal, however, those who are caught with a smaller amount of cannabis than that will have to pay a penalty of 250 dollars, equivalent to roughly 2,700 kroner, but the person will not end up in the crime register. However, it should still be illegal to buy cannabis for recreational purposes, according to the proposal.

The right to grow, sell and transport cannabis shall only be granted to companies wholly owned by Bahamians.

The new law could enter into force before the end of the year, if it is adopted. In that case, the government plans to establish a special authority to regulate the industry.

Other Caribbean countries have relaxed their cannabis laws, including Antigua and Jamaica.
