Bad weather: Po level rose by two meters in 24 hours, isolated Tremiti islands

Bad weather Po level rose by two meters in 24

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Unfortunately, the wave of bad weather throughout Italy does not stop, with sharp decline in temperatures as the level of rivers and lakes rises. The river Po, for example, has risen by more than 2 meters in the last 24 hours driven by the new atmospheric perturbation. The data emerges from the monitoring of Coldiretti at the Ponte della Becca. Always Coldiretti sOttolinea that 10 extreme events hit northern Italy in just one day, including windstorms, storms and hailstorms that caused damage in cities and the countryside with roofs uncovered, trees downed and flooding. This is what emerges from the analysis of ESWD data (European Sever Weather Database) on the wave of bad weather caused by the cyclone after a long period of abnormal heat.

Bad weather hit patchy with violent demonstrations and heavy thunderstorms after a long period of drought and record temperatures. We are facing an evident tendency towards tropicalization with a higher frequency of violent demonstrations, seasonal lags, short and intense rainfalls and the rapid transition from heat to bad weather.

In fact, the new cyclone arrives in 2023 it ranks so far in Italy in the top ten of the hottest years ever with a temperature 0.67 degrees higher than the historical average which ranks it in third place among the highest ever recorded in the period since 1800, when the surveys began , according to the analysis by Coldiretti on Isac Cnr data in the first seven months of 2023 which also shows that for northern Italy it was the second hottest year, with the anomaly of the period being as much as +0, 86 degrees above average.

2023 – continues Coldiretti – it was marked by crazy weather with severe drought which compromised the crops in the field and then for a few months by the multiplication of extreme weather events, abundant rainfall and low temperatures and finally by the torrid heat in July and at the end of August.

Meanwhile, the Tremiti Islands have been isolated for two days due to adverse weather and sea conditions. The strong wind that has been raging since yesterday on the Molise coast prevented even today the boats that shuttle between the port of Termoli and the Diomedee to set sail.
Since yesterday it has been issued by Harbor master’s office a storm warning, still in progress, which predicts a force 7 south-west wind and rough seas.

At 6 pm the Brenner railway line was reopened, due to the bad weather that affected the area. A note from RFI communicates it. The works made it possible to restore the line, which was affected by a flow of earth and stones that had invaded the tracks between the villages of Steinach and the state border. The resumption of circulation will help to ease the pressure on the Alpine passes heavily compromised by bad weather.
