Bad weather, BPER Bank supports Campania territories

BPER Banca successfully concludes Senior Preferred green bond placement

(Telestock) – BPER Bank implements a concrete and timely intervention to alleviate the discomfort of families and businesses that have
suffered serious damage caused by the bad weather that hit the Campania region in recent days.

Specifically, the The Bank is making available a series of assistance interventions and extraordinary financing, for an initial overall ceiling of 200 million: up to 50 thousand euros for individuals and 1 million euros for small and medium-sized enterprises, for a duration of up to 60 months, under dedicated conditions. Furthermore, BPER is available to examine requests for suspension of financing, in accordance with any government measures that may be implemented in this regard.

“BPER Banca is close to the Campania region and the citizens affected by the storms of recent days. Thanks to the allocation of these first 200 million, we want to give concrete help to families and companies that have suffered damage, with the hope that a normal situation can be restored as soon as possible”, underlined the head of the Campania Puglia Regional Directorate
Basilicata Molise by BPER Bank, Salvatore Pulignano.
