Bad news for subscribers: Netflix removes free password sharing! Date given

Bad news for subscribers Netflix removes free password sharing Date

Netflix makes password sharing for a fee. Netflix’s subscriber base fell for the first time in a decade. Making new efforts to increase the number of subscribers again, Netflix also rolled up its sleeves for password sharing. According to CNet, Netflix will charge you for password sharing early next year.

Netflix will begin charging accounts for password sharing early next year. The platform will set up a system that will create “extra member” sub-accounts and add fees to your plan when people outside your home use your membership.

The company approved this plan but did not provide any fee information. This plan is currently being tested in several Latin American countries. Each extra member under testing charges roughly a quarter of a “standard” Netflix plan. If Netflix sticks with this app, each extra sub-account will cost around $3.50 to $4 in the US.

Netflix, which experienced its biggest subscriber loss ever earlier this year and is looking for new ways to gain subscribers, is also planning to launch its advertising Netflix plan, which will be cheaper in November, in addition to password sharing fees.


Netflix’s new basic plan with ads will be available for purchase in the United States for $6.99 per month. So it will be $3 cheaper than the standard basic plan. Netflix with ads subscription will be available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Spain, UK and USA. In the first stage, Turkey is not mentioned.

Netflix subscription with ads will have different features than other subscription options, as expected. These are listed as follows;

  • Video quality up to 720p (both ad plan and basic plan now support 720p)
  • An average of 4 to 5 minutes of ads will be shown per hour
  • Ads will vary in length from 15 to 30 seconds. Ads will be played before and after the content.
  • A limited number of movies and TV shows will not be available due to license restrictions
  • Movies and TV shows cannot be downloaded.

Netflix also announced a profile transfer feature as part of paid password sharing, which is being tested in Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru. This feature allows a Netflix profile to import watch history and recommendations to a new, standalone account. This new account can then be added to someone else’s Standard or Premium subscription plan. Thus, users who do not want to pay a password sharing fee and switch to a new account but want to transfer their viewing history are provided convenience.


On the other hand, Netflix announced its balance sheet for the July-September period of this year. Netflix’s subscriber base increased by 2.41 million in the third quarter after losses in the first two quarters of this year.

Accordingly, the company’s revenue in the third quarter of the year increased by about 6 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching $ 7.93 billion. The firm’s revenue was recorded as $7.48 billion in the same period last year.

The company’s net profit, on the other hand, decreased by about 4 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period of the previous year, to $1.39 billion. Netflix’s net profit in the third quarter of last year was $1.45 billion.

The company’s earnings per share also fell from $3.19 to $3.10 in the same period.

Netflix’s subscribers increased by 2.41 million in the third quarter of the year.

The number of subscribers of Netflix, which experienced a loss of subscribers in the first two quarters of this year, was expected to increase by 1.09 million people in this period.

Netflix’s subscribers decreased by 200 thousand in the first quarter of 2022 and by 970 thousand in the second quarter. Thus, the company experienced two consecutive quarters of subscriber loss for the first time.

“After a tough first half, we believe we are on track to accelerate growth again,” the company said in a statement. evaluation was made.
