Bad news for gamers desperately trying to get a PS5! Sony has just announced an increase in the price of the console – by more than 10% – in certain regions of the world, including France.

Bad news for gamers desperately trying to get a PS5

Bad news for gamers desperately trying to get a PS5! Sony has just announced an increase in the price of the console – by more than 10% – in certain regions of the world, including France.

The PlayStation 5 is going to be even harder to buy for gamers eagerly waiting to get their hands on Sony’s latest console. Indeed, while stocks have been regularly out of stock since the start of the pandemic, the Japanese manufacturer has announced in a statement posted on his blog on August 25 that, from today, the prices of the PS5 increase. The coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine continue to have a negative impact on several industries, leading to shortages and, consequently, rising costs.

Sony explains that “The global economic environment is a challenge that many of you are no doubt familiar with around the world. We are seeing high global inflation rates, as well as unfavorable monetary trends, which are impacting consumers and creating pressure on many industries. Due to these difficult economic conditions, EIS made the difficult decision to increase the recommended retail price (RRP) PlayStation 5 in select markets. A way to preserve its margins for the company, but which continues at the same time to exclude potential players.

PS5 : prices increase by 50

Specifically, the classic edition of the PS5 which includes CD support – goes from €499.99 to €549.99 – an increase of 10% – and the digital edition is now offered at €449.99 instead of €399.99 – an increase of 12%. In both cases, the consoles increase by 50 €. In addition to Europe, this price increase also affects the United Kingdom, Japan, China, Australia, Mexico and Canada. This announcement is effective immediately, with the exception of Japan where the new rates will apply from September 15. Surprisingly, the United States is not concerned.

© Sony

This decision is quite unprecedented in the video game market, since consoles are usually sold for less and less. Note, however, that the PS5even in its classic edition, is still cheaper than the PS3 when it was released – who was worth 600 €. Nevertheless, Microsoft could well take the opportunity to recover some of the potential players who, frustrated, could be tempted by the Xbox Series S – to 300 € – or the Xbox Series X – to 500 € – provided that the manufacturer maintains its prices. Especially since the Xbox game Pass is much more affordable than the new PlayStation Plus.

PS5: a shortage that benefits resellers

It’s a double jeopardy for gamers trying to get hold of the console. Nope only they have been having difficulty for several years to find it, but in the more they will have to pay more. Some might be tempted to wait for inflation to pass – it may last a little while anyway – but there is no indication that Sony will return to its original prices in the future. However, the manufacturer promises that, “While this increase is a necessity given the current economic environment, our priority remains to improve the logistics of PS5 so that more and more gamers can get one and enjoy the experiences that the PS5 offers and will offer.

All his conjectures will delight resellers, who use bots – software programmed to perform certain tasks automatically, without needing to be launched manually by a user – to obtain massive amounts of PS5 each time stock is replenished. A technique that then allows them to resell them at exorbitant prices, on the second-hand market such as Amazon, eBay and Rakuten, or on parallel networks, creating a kind of black market. By searching on Amazon, for example, we find that Sony’s console is still out of stock and can only be purchased “used” from “individuals” at prices above €750. As of this writing, offers on Rakuten are even skyrocketing to over €1,400! A real madness!

