After the announcement of the increase in pensions, retirees are surprised by the amount received in January.
After a fierce political struggle, retirees have finally decided on their fate. Their basic pensions will increase by 2.2%, for everyone. In the trash can is the idea of a partial revaluation, followed by another increase during the summer, accompanied by a bonus, and only for certain households. Simplification has taken over complexity and too bad for the savings that the State wanted to achieve.
A change of situation made possible by a historic decision: censorship. However, many elders followed this sequence from afar. 1.1 or 2.2% increase when you receive 1000 euros of basic pension, that doesn’t change much since it represents 11 or 22 euros more per month. Considering the strong increases expected at the start of the year, particularly from mutual insurance companies, this has very little impact. But while retirement insurance must pay general system pensions this Thursday, January 9, many retirees risk being very surprised by the amount displayed.
The payment of retirement pension is regulated like clockwork. On the 9th of each month, unless there are changes to the calendar, CNAV/Carsat pays the sums intended for these 15 million French people. If many are waiting to be able to receive more, and even if the increase will not be very significant, they could quickly become disillusioned when seeing the amount of the transfer to their bank account. In fact, it will be exactly the same as that perceived in December.
An error? An oversight? An increase not applied for technical reasons? None of that. In reality, it is simply the application of the pension payment rule. This is only sent to the retiree at the end of the previous month – payment called “overdue” -. This means that the allocated amount is paid for the month of December. The pension corresponding to the month of January will not arrive until February 7.
However, the increase in retirement pensions only applies from that paid for the month of January. The increase will therefore only be effective from the payment received at the beginning of February. There, the 2.2% increase will be effective and retirees will therefore receive a slightly higher pension from this date. A little more patience then.