Bad encounters on dating apps: how to protect yourself? Our psychologist answers us

Bad encounters on dating apps how to protect yourself Our

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    If social networks have revolutionized romantic relationships, they also carry risks. Badly intentioned individuals can thus lie about their true identity (or use manipulation) to achieve their ends. Amélie Bouhkobza, psychologist, gives us some valuable advice to protect ourselves from it.

    In 2022, more than 2 billion diverse and varied applications have been downloaded by the French. However, these constitute an ideal terrain for having fun… but also finding love.

    According to a Ifop survey, almost a quarter of French people have met a partner on a dating application since the end of the first confinement. However, behind the promises of a good story, there are sometimes people with bad intentions – scammers, cads, manipulators, even psychopaths.

    The right attitude to adopt on applications

    Dating apps have become the most common way to meet new people today. But they also carry certain risks“, confides, in the preamble, Amélie Bouhkobza.

    Certain reflexes must therefore be adopted to protect against possible bad encounters.

    1. Always remain vigilant. Avoid sharing personal information too quickly, such as your address, place of work or financial details. Wait until the relationship is trusted before revealing this information“, advises, first of all, the expert.

    2. Do research.Don’t hesitate to play apprentice detectives by searching each other’s profiles on other social networks to check the consistency of the information shared. Beware of profiles that seem too perfect!”she continues.

    3. Take his time. Do not rush ! Chat online, by phone or video conference to hear the voice and perhaps see the person, to confirm the consistency of the information, before planning to meet in real life“, assures Amélie Bouhkobza.

    4. Meet in public places. For first meetings, always choose public places. Tell a friend or family member where you will be and who you will meet. Also make sure you have a charged cell phone with network“, develops the psychologist.

    5. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable, stay alert for small signals and don’t hesitate to leave the person if they seem suspicious or dangerous. You have the right to make an excuse.”indicates the specialist.

    6. Report suspicious behavior.Dating apps often have features to report inappropriate or suspicious behavior. Use them!”recommends the expert.

    Be calm online

    On applications, the best protection therefore remains to be extra vigilant and to always keep in mind that these in no way guarantee a person’s intentions.

    By following these tips, you will be able to minimize the risks and enjoy your online meetings more peacefully. Stay safe!“, notes, in conclusion, Amélie Bouhkobza.

    Our selection of dating apps: for one night or for life!

    Slide: Our selection of dating apps: for one night or for life!
