Bacteria concentrations in Seinejoki water are high again | News in brief

The cleanliness of the river has been monitored daily, and on most days, taking a dip in the river has been a health risk.

The triathlon’s Saturday swimming practice in Paris was canceled due to elevated bacteria concentrations in the Seine River, the organizers of the Summer Olympics said. Jo is scheduled to swim in the medley relay on Tuesday.

The cleanliness of the river has been monitored daily, and on most days, taking a dip in the river has been a health risk. Last Wednesday, however, the triathletes competed in the river for the swimming leg, and many competitors described the water as smelling like vomit.

The men’s race was originally supposed to be on Tuesday, but it was moved to the day because the colibacter concentrations in the water were too high at the beginning of the week.

According to the race organizers, the rains weaken the water quality. It has rained in Paris again for a couple of nights in a row.
