Back to when Scholz replaced Merkel at the helm of Germany

A page has turned in Germany. Angela Merkel is no longer Chancellor. After sixteen years in power, she passed the torch to her successor, the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, officially elected Wednesday December 8 by the Bundestag.

With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

She was barely heard to say yes, when the President of the Bundestag asked her if he accepted the result of the vote.

Olaf Scholz, who had just been elected chancellor with the votes of the new majority made up of social democrats, environmentalists and liberals, had to tweet immediately ” I said yes », To confirm the information.

Angela Merkel, who is no longer a Member of Parliament, took her place on the stands. She was warmly greeted by the elected officials standing.

►Read also: Olaf Scholz, chancellor

The wife of Olaf Scholz, regional minister of education, attended the election like the parents of the new chancellor. His father slipped to a German colleague that his son had previously said he wanted to become chancellor at the age of 12.

Five decades later, at age 63, Olaf Scholz received his nomination paper from President Steinmeier before being sworn in to the Bundestag.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is sworn in.  Bundestag, Berlin, December 8, 2021.

“Germany has taken advantage of your presence at its head”

Minister on several occasions, Olaf Scholz had notably led Finance in Angela Merkel’s government. He paid tribute to her in his first speech, as he had done on numerous occasions before, also emphasizing the parallels that exist between him and the East German leader of the CDU.

I would like to warmly thank you for your work over the past sixteen years. Germany has taken advantage of your presence at its head. Our cooperation has always been marked by deep trust. This is a good thing. This underlines the quality of our political system, where a broad consensus exists between democratic forces. It is special to be chancellor of this country. It is a serious challenge. I am very grateful to have obtained the necessary support from citizens and Parliament. Our many common experiences will help me in this task. Thanks again for your work

Angela Merkel greeted her successor with some little advice.

Mr. Chancellor, I know from experience that this is an emotional moment. You are about to take on a demanding and very time-consuming job. But if we tackle it with joy, it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful functions that we can exercise

The peaceful transition between two managers who respect and esteem each other, with a sober style.

Olaf Scholz gave Angela Merkel an imposing bouquet of flowers, promised ” a new start For Germany, before accompanying her predecessor to the steps.

As for Ms. Merkel, she left the Chancellery to the applause of employees and passers-by, remaining unperturbed, as usual.

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, accompanied to her car by her successor Olaf Scholz.  Berlin, December 8, 2021.

Angela Merkel free: life in front of her

Olaf Scholz is very familiar with the Interior Chancellery, where the Council of Ministers is held. This time, he takes the lead. A Council took place immediately after the handover of power to the Bundestag. The chancellor will be received in Paris on Friday by Emmanuel Macron.

►Read also: China welcomes the arrival to power of Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Germany

The former chancellor will move into the offices made available by the Bundestag which her father in politics, the former chancellor Helmut Kohl, once occupied. After 31 years of political career, she has so far remained very discreet about her plans for the future.

It was time for a new person to come to power, after sixteen years, even though Merkel did the job as well as she could …

Micro-sidewalk: what do Berliners think of the new chancellor?

►Read again: Merkel, a girl from the East who became the most powerful politician in the world

