Back to school 2022: what dates? All the info to be ready in September!

Back to school 2022 what dates All the info to

BACK TO SCHOOL. The end of the holidays is approaching and the start of the school year is looming, from September 1st. From kindergarten to high school, here is all the practical information to have a serene start to the 2022 school year!

[Mis à jour le 16 août 2022 à 14h03] While the children are still enjoying the School vacation, the start of the school year is fast approaching. Officially it takes place at the very beginning of next month, since it is fixed for September 1st. however, it depends, more informally, on the establishments. We observe this difference in particular in middle school and high school, depending on the sections and courses. In order to stay calm until the end of the holidays, here is information to prepare for the resumption of classes in the best conditions. Find here the answers to your questions about the increase in the back-to-school allowance, the health protocol implemented in establishments or the annual calendar, which includes holidays. Here is the practical information to keep in mind for this start of the 2022 school year.

The start of the school year will take place on Thursday, September 1, 2022 for all students from primary to high school. The teachers resume their work in class on Wednesday, August 31, for a preparation session. These dates are harmonized in all the academies of metropolitan France, except for Corsica. On the Island of Beauty, teachers will return to school on Thursday September 2, 2021, and students will follow suit on Friday September 3, 2021 in schools, colleges and high schools. The start of the academic year generally takes place during the month of September.

► Consult the start dates for the Overseas departments and the Overseas communities, by clicking here

Three levels of measures are provided for in the new health protocol. The Ministry of National Education “maintains a strategy based on face-to-face teaching, for the success and well-being of students, while limiting the circulation of the virus within schools and educational establishments”, a-t- he said in a statement issued on July 19. “Coherence with the rules applicable outside the school environment is also sought for this school year”, it is added. The previous anti-covid school health protocol, implemented in September 2021, included four levels of measures (green, yellow, orange and red).

The levels of measures are therefore broken down as follows, depending on the overall health situation observed at the end of August in France (nature of the variants, hospital situation, etc.):

  • Base level
    • Face-to-face welcome for all students
    • Physical and sporting activities allowed indoors and outdoors without restriction
    • No restriction on mixing between groups of students
  • Level 1 Green: moderate alertness
    • 100% face-to-face courses in schools, colleges, high schools
    • No restrictions on physical and sports activities
    • Reminder of barrier gestures
    • Disinfection of surfaces once a day and tables in the canteen after each service
    • Limited material combinations
  • Level 2 Orange: heightened vigilance
    • 100% face-to-face courses in schools, colleges, high schools
    • Reinforcement of barrier gestures
    • Adaptation of indoor sports practice to ensure appropriate distancing
    • Taking meals by class in the first degree, in order to limit mixing
    • Disinfection of surfaces several times a day and tables in the refectory after each service
  • Level 3 Red: maximum alertness
    • Hybridization of courses in high school (alternation of face-to-face and distance courses according to the local health context)
    • Restriction of physical education activities to respect distances
    • Restriction of brewing
    • Disinfection of surfaces several times a day and tables in the refectory after each service

The Ministry of Education has undertaken to respect a period of ten days to move from one level to another, in conjunction with the health authorities. Worn full-time by students until February 28, the mask should be imposed or not at the rate of what is happening for the general population. Positive students will a priori be asked to isolate themselves, but contact case students should no longer have to test themselves or isolate themselves. Saliva testing campaigns are not planned either.

Back to school in September, holidays in October

After the start of the school year, many students are thinking about the next vacation. These will take place at the end of October with the All Saints holidays, then in mid-December with the end-of-year holiday period. In 2023, the holidays are spread over several weeks, since they are regulated and organized by zone.

The return to school has a cost and many households benefit each year from the back-to-school allowance or back-to-school bonuses. The receipt of aid is based on family income. For the year 2022, it is for example those of 2020 that are taken into account. LThe back-to-school allowance (ARS) will be paid on Tuesday August 16, 2022, subject to resources, to families with children aged 6 to 18 attending school in a public or private establishment or in a remote organization such as the Cned. The amount of the 2022 back-to-school allowance has been increased. Here are the amounts paid for the start of the 2022 school year, including the 4% increases provided for by the government:

  • 392.05 euros per child aged 6 to 10
  • 413.69 euros per child aged 11 to 14
  • 428.02 euros per child aged 15 to 18

Resource caps are imposed. It is income dating back two years that is taken into account, and not that of the current year (income for the year 2020 is studied for the year 2022) according to the family situation on July 31. Here are the resource ceilings for the back-to-school bonus for the year 2022:

  • A dependent child: €25,370
  • Two dependent children: 31,225 euros
  • Three dependent children: 37,080 euros
  • Per additional dependent child: 5,852 euros
