Bachelor’s degree in psychology: what you need to know

Bachelors degree in psychology what you need to know

The degree in psychology is a course more and more in demand by students. Today, people have become aware of the need for regular psychological support, even without a basic diagnosis. The need for professionals in the sector has therefore increased in recent years. In this article, find all the information you need to know about the license in psychology.

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A license in psychology integrates in a classic way, via Parcoursup. Students then enter L1. It is also possible to integrate this license in L2 or L3 after a literary preparation.

What does a degree in psychology lead to?

Most students do not stop at the bachelor’s degree and continue their studies by doing a master’s degree. This allows them to specialize in a subfield of psychology, in an additional 2 years. Options include clinical psychology, social psychology, and developmental psychology.

Some also choose to extend their studies by entering a school specializing in paramedical or social work.

After a validated L3, it is also possible to start preparing for certain public service competitions to become an educator for the PJJ (Judicial Protection of Youth) or a prison counselor for integration and probation.

What is the profile of the psychology student?

First of all, if you want to study the psychology, you must have a particularly strong appetite for reading. Indeed, throughout along the coursethe student is led to analyze texts by authors who have contributed to the construction of psychology, both the theoretical basis and the rationale for practice.

Besides the interpretation of these texts, another important characteristic is the ability to converse and interact with others. Indeed, it is a course that requires interacting with people, listening to them and making relevant oral interventions.

It is therefore very important to develop the sensitivity with which you can understand the context of the other person’s life and intend to help them by asking questions.

What do you study in a psychology degree?

First, basic concepts and topics will be introduced in the first semesters:anatomy human, neuroanatomy, philosophy, sociology, history of psychology and anthropology.

Then, throughout the course, more focused materials will appear: society, social psychology, child development and the aging process, psychological tests and how to use them, and many other important concepts.

After having established this base, you will follow more in-depth courses, which allow contact with professional practice. The study of the nature of mental suffering begins with courses in psychopathology. The clinical practice courses will help you identify the most suitable interventions for each situation or case.

Finally, the ethics courses will introduce you to the code of ethics of psychology, where you will learn how to act in all possible professional practices in which you will be involved in the future.

Studying psychology allows you to practice on your own

The psychology clinic and the therapy professional are two areas of psychology practice that allow you to open your own business, and to exercise liberally. This is an interesting possibility for young people who want to be their own boss, and thus manage different tasks, such as accounting or developing a patient base.

The benefits of having your own business are numerous. For example, being a freelancer gives youautonomy, flexible working hours and the possibility of carrying out all the administrative procedures in the way that suits you best. It is also possible to start working in a health structure and switch to liberal in the middle of your career.

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