Bac revisions: all our advice for a successful D-Day

Bac revisions all our advice for a successful D Day

The baccalaureate is approaching and you no longer know where to start your revisions? We offer you some advice to avoid arriving stressed on D-Day and to organize yourself well in your revisions a few days before the start of the first tests.

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Disturbed by the health crisis of the Covid-19, the 2021 baccalaureate exams will nevertheless take place. While the 2020 session was made only via continuous assessment, the 2021 session will combine continuous assessment and face-to-face tests. The big day is coming and now is not the time to panic. Here are some basic rules to fully understand this dreaded moment and not lose your means on D-Day.

Revisions of the bac: how to organize well?

The first trials are fast approaching and you still haven’t started your revisions ? Don’t panic, the main thing is to take advantage of the time you have left to properly organize your work during the day. Planning revisions will help you better manage your schedule and stress less. Make your schedule according to the date of your tests and adopt the rhythm of revision that suits you. It can be a day for one subject, or a morning for one subject and the afternoon for another. It will depend on your level in this theme, whether you have mastered it well since the beginning of the year or not. Always plan a moment of break, one to two hours during the day to take a break and get some air. Above all, prepare your lessons to be reviewed in advance in order to be sure of having all the necessary lessons. Putting your revisions in order will allow you to manage your available time and prioritize your revisions.

Why revise your baccalaureate in good working conditions?

It is important to put yourself in the right conditions to revise well and not be distracted. Whether in your bedroom, outside or in the living room, the important thing is to create a kind of cocoon. Alone or in a group, you decide the best way to learn and revise. If you prefer group work, try not to disperse yourself in discussions of all kinds and focus well on the revisions defined in your schedule. Leave them cell phones turned off and test your mutual knowledge. If you prefer to be alone, choose a place where you will not be tempted to scatter, quiet, well lit, and respect your revision objectives. Prepare all the things you need during your revisions (notebook, index card, pen, bottle of water, etc.) so that you don’t have to interrupt yourself constantly.

To properly revise your baccalaureate, why adopt a healthy lifestyle?

We all know the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Now is the time to put it into practice. In fact the excess of sugarbold or the absence of sleep are bad for the brain. Take advantage of these few weeks of revisions to adopt a lifestyle blameless. Eat fruits, vegetables, fish, white meat, ban snacks and fast food. Also avoid alcohol and coffee throughout the day. Also don’t neglect your sleep. If you are tired, you will retain your lessons less well. So choose a good night’s sleep, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the summer evenings after the baccalaureate.

What subjects should you focus on in your baccalaureate revisions?

This year, the face-to-face tests concern philosophy and the big oral. Prepare seriously for these two high-coefficient subjects in order to earn the maximum number of points. A good opportunity to catch up philosophy in particular, since four subjects will be offered instead of the usual three, and the best mark between that obtained on the day of the test and the average obtained in continuous assessment throughout the year will be taken into account. For the great oral, do not hesitate to put yourself in a situation with your friends or your family. Prepare a topic for twenty minutes, then practice giving an oral presentation. The grand oral has a coefficient of 10 in the general stream and 14 in technological sector. It is therefore a good way to capitalize on points and compensate for some lower averages obtained during the year.

The baccalaureate remains an important step in any student’s life. It marks the end of childhood in the broad sense of the term and opens the doors higher education and the acquisition of a profession. Adult life is just beginning, so there’s no point in stressing out but focusing on the goals you’ve set for yourself.

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