Bac 2022: subjects of philosophy, Grand oral, dates of the tests

Bac 2022 heat wave bac philo date of the tests

BACCALAUREATE. It is this Wednesday, June 15 that the bac exams resume with the philosophy subjects that have just fallen. Only the Grand Oral and possibly the catch-up will remain. Subjects and schedules.

What are the subjects of the philosophy baccalaureate?

The philosophy baccalaureate starts this Wednesday morning for high school students in Terminale. The subjects fell and were the high school students right to fear this ordeal? In any case, there is something for all sensitivities, from art to the role of the State, everyone can possibly find their account and if not, rely on the composed commentary. Here are the subjects of the philosophy baccalaureate that fell on June 15 for the general and technological baccalaureate:

  • Topic 1: Do artistic practices transform the world?
  • Topic 2: Is it up to the state to decide what is fair?
  • Subject 3: Text explanation of an extract from Cournot, Essay on the foundations of our knowledge and on the characteristics of philosophical criticism (1851).

Heat wave and bac exams: what recommendations?

The period of heat wave announced in the coming days coincides with the first exams of the baccalaureate, in particular the philosophy test which takes place on June 15 for high school students in Terminale. Future graduates will then continue with the Grand Oral test, which starts from June 20 (the dates of convocations are communicated to the students). The Ministry of National Education sent specific recommendations for school principals and headteachers to prevent the effects of a heat wave on candidates, the staff involved, as well as on the pupils and teachers in the classroom. “The heads of the examination center will ensure that the instructions are followed in the event of an episode of high heat, while ensuring the smooth running of the tests. In addition to the good habits to adopt, such as drinking regularly, not exposing yourself to the sun, adapting your diet, etc., you are reminded of the importance of also being attentive to signs of heat stroke: great weakness, fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, cramps, temperature, headache. It is then necessary to act quickly, and to call the medicalized emergency services (SAMU 15)” recalls the ministry in a press release dated June 13, 2022.

What are the dates of the next exams for the 2022 baccalaureate?

Students prepare for Great oral from June 20, while the baccalaureate candidates have already passed this June 14 the French tests (in the morning) as well as the history-geography tests (in the afternoon). As for the students of Première générale, they take the French baccalaureate on June 16 for the written tests and from 20 June for the oral French test. How are the baccalaureate exams conducted? What are students being assessed on this year? We focus on the progress and dates of the 2022 baccalaureate.

Dates of the general and technological baccalaureate:

  • Bac philo 2022 : Wednesday, June 15, 2022.
  • Grand oral: between June 20 and July 1, 2022.
  • Catch-up tests: from July 6 to 8, 2022.

Dates of the French baccalaureate 2022

The advance written French tests take place on Thursday, June 16, 2022, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The French oral takes place from June 20. It should be noted that the dates of the oral French tests are fixed by the academies and that the texts are reduced this year to 16 in the general course and to 9 in the technological course.

Bac pro: dates, French test

The high school students of vocational baccalaureate began the tests with French and history geography this Tuesday, June 14. The French test nevertheless made the students react. In question ? The adjective “fun” asked in the question “In your opinion, is the game still fun?” Many of them tweeted that they had trouble understanding the word or felt stressed reading the topic statement.

  • French, history-geography and EMC : June 14, 2022
  • Mathematics and physics chemistry: from May 23 to June 3, 2022
  • Prevention, health and environment: June 15, 2022
  • Applied arts and artistic cultures : June 16, 2022
  • Written professional tests : from June 16 to June 23, 2022
  • Modern languages ​​A : June 23, 2022
  • Modern languages ​​B : June 24, 2022
  • Control tests : from July 6 to 8, 2022.

The Grand Oral focuses on two specialty courses. During the 20 minutes of preparation for the Grand oral (first part of the test with a 5-minute presentation), students can take notes and use them for the speaking exercise. During the second part of the test (interview), “the candidate can use a support, such as a table, to illustrate or explain his remarks (to put an equation on it, sketch a map, etc.)”.

When are the baccalaureate results?

In 2022, candidates will know whether or not they have graduated from the baccalaureatefrom Tuesday 5 July.

For the general baccalaureate, students with an average equal to or greater than 8, and less than 10 out of 20. will be able to take the catch-up orals from Wednesday July 6 to Friday July 8, 2022. The Candidates choose a maximum of two courses from among those corresponding to the final tests of the first group: French, philosophy or the two specialist courses taken in terminale. The candidate then takes an oral test in each of these two courses.
Please note that the oral scores must be higher than those obtained at the end of the first group in order to be taken into account by applying the coefficient.

For the vocational baccalaureate, the so-called control tests, also take place between July 6 and 8, for candidates who have obtained a general average greater than 8 and less than 10 out of 20, and an average mark greater than or equal to 10 out of 20 at the all the vocational examinations for the vocational baccalaureate. This remedial or control test provides for: a question in mathematics and/or physics-chemistry, and/or economics-law or economics-management and/or prevention-health-environment on the one hand, as well as in French or history -geography-moral and civic education on the other hand. Candidates can also choose the two disciplines on which they wish to be questioned. Each sub-test is scored out of 20 points and is assigned the coefficient of the corresponding sub-test in the examination regulations for the specialty of the vocational baccalaureate concerned. The candidate is declared admitted, after deliberation by the jury, when he has obtained a general average greater than or equal to 10 out of 20 at the end of the control test.

Replacement sessions: when?

Replacement written tests take place from Wednesday 7 to Friday 9 September for the technological baccalaureate, and from 7 to 12 September for the general baccalaureate. Candidates for the vocational baccalaureate will take the replacement session from September 6 to 16, 2022. Candidates who were unable to appear on the day of the exam for reasons of force majeure can retake the tests. The marks obtained then replace those obtained as part of the continuous assessment or during the remedial tests.

For students in the general and technological baccalaureate, continuous assessment counts for 40% of the final grade : the average of the reports of 1st has a coefficient 5 just like the teaching of specialty followed only in 1st. In this percentage, we also find history geography, living language A and living language B which have a coefficient of 6.33 and scientific education and PE which have a coefficient of 5 and which are linked to the final cycle 2022-2022. Finally, moral and civic education, which has a coefficient of 1, is also part of continuous assessment. LThe final check counts for 60% of the final grade. The anticipated French tests have a coefficient of 5 for the oral and 5 for the written. The two specialty courses have a coefficient of 16 and philosophy a coefficient of 8. Finally, the Grand Oral has a coefficient of 10 in general. The Ministry of National Education offers on its website a painting allowing you to easily calculate our rating.

Distribution of the final mark of the general baccalaureate © Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Bac 2022: what coefficients?

Final or anticipated tests

Of the 100 coefficients, 60 would be obtained in the context of anticipated tests or final tests:

  • Advance examinations for the French baccalaureate at the end of first year (written, coefficient 5; oral, coefficient 5);
  • The two tests for specialty lessons followed in terminale (coefficient 16 for each of them). This therefore represents 32% of the final mark (out of the 60% of the final examination).
  • The philosophy (coefficient 8 in the general route, 4 in the technological route);
  • The Grand Oral Baccalaureate (coefficient 10 in the general route, 14 in the technological route).

Continuous control coefficients

40 of these coefficients would be obtained with continuous control calculated according to the student’s general average, which takes into account the averages for the year of the final cycle school report cards.

  • All the disciplines of the common core which are not the subject of final tests (modern languages ​​A and B, history-geography, physical education and sports, scientific education for the general route, mathematics for the technological route) would have a coefficient of 6 (3 in 1st, 3 in terminal);
  • Specialty education (abandoned at the end of first year) would have a coefficient of 8 (ie half of the specialty education retained by the candidate in the final year);
  • Moral and civic education will have a coefficient of 2 (1 in première, 1 in terminale). It contributes to the acquisition of the values ​​of the Republic and secularism, and will thus be distinguished in the evaluation.

Bac and Covid: what arrangements for 2022?

  • Vocational baccalaureate: For high school students taking the vocational baccalaureate, the duration of the professional training periods (PFMP) is reduced by 7 to 8 weeks compared to the usual durations. Candidates thus have more time to prepare for their baccalaureate exams, which will retain the same format and the same program.
  • Physical education and sport : controls during training, usually three in number, may be reduced to two when the consequences of the health situation on the availability of facilities or the preparation of students justify it. “For all other candidates (free candidates, educated in an establishment without a contract or registered with the CNED), the final EPS exam is maintained” recalls the Ministry of National Education.
  • Advance oral French test in 1st general and technological: this year, the number of texts to be presented orally is reduced to 16 instead of 20 in general and to 9 instead of 12 in technological.

The usual mentions are maintained this year. But from what grade do we get a mention in the baccalaureate ?

  • Mention Fairly well for an average between 12 and 14
  • Mention Bien : between 14 and 16
  • Honors : between 16 and 18;
  • Mention Very good with the congratulations of the jury for an average greater than 18.
