Baby pool: the top for safe paddling

Baby pool the top for safe paddling

To cool off and discover the joys of water, the baby pool is a must. Inflatable, collapsible, square… Our selection of pools for toddlers.

Baby pools are practical from all points of view. They allow toddlers to discover the joys of water in complete safety, but also to cool off when temperatures rise. This is valid at home, but also at the beach: some babies are afraid of the sea and/or parents do not think they are ready to dive into the deep end, so taking the pool to the beach nevertheless allows them to enjoy a bit of freshness. Another advantage is that they are compact, whether they are foldable or inflatable. So you can store them easily! Baby pools are also multifunctional : most of them can also be used as a baby bath. Another possible use: the ball pool! If it is quite possible to buy one, you can also buy balls separately to transform your classic pool and vary the pleasures. Finally, it is a durable object: if they cannot all be used from the same age, they serve for several years. From the baby pool, they become a swimming pool or a paddling pool for the older ones! But for swimming to be a moment of pleasure for everyone, we must not forget an important rule: adult supervision is essential to avoid the risk of drowning. In the same way, the swimming pool must be emptied when the child is no longer in it, so that he does not risk anything if he returns there alone. After this little safety reminder, it’s time for our selection of baby pools!
