Baby has sticky eyes: when to consult, what to do?

Baby has sticky eyes when to consult what to do

Your baby’s eyes are glued together? This sign is generally benign, but it is recommended to consult in certain cases. Advice on the right gestures with our pediatrician.

Sometimes it happens that the baby’s eyes stick together. This sign is generally benign, but if it persists beyond 1 year, it is recommended to consult to avoid the risk of conjunctivitis. What are the causes ? When to consult? How to clean baby’s sticky eyes?

What Causes Sticky Eyes in Babies?

“Persistent lacrimation in the baby is due to a lack of permeability of the lacrimal pathway. Only one eye or both eyes may be involved. The evolution is generally spontaneously favorable in a few months. Rarely the flow can persist beyond the age of 1 year”, details Dr. Fabienne Kochert, pediatrician in Orleans and president of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics.

The affected eye or both eyes have a permanent tearing. Upon awakening, your child may have glued eyelids.

When to worry about sticking eyes in babies?

He is recommended to consult a doctor in case of superinfection and in cases where symptoms persist beyond 1 year of age. The risk is superinfection which leads to conjunctivitis.

The important thing is to properly wash the eyes with saline solution. Antibiotic eye drops may be prescribed in case of superinfection. If the flow persists after the age of one year, it is recommended to take your child to see an ophthalmologist who can carry out drainage of the tear ducts.

Thanks to Dr. Fabienne Kochert, pediatrician in Orléans and president of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics.
