Baby has a runny eye: what to do?

Baby has a runny eye what to do

Does your baby have a runny eye? Depending on the associated symptoms (redness, swelling), this sign can be benign or complicated by conjunctivitis. Advice and solutions with our pediatrician.

A runny eye in babies usually comes from a blocked tear duct. If the discharge becomes yellowish, it is necessary consult a doctor quickly because it can be a sign of conjunctivitis. What should I do at home if my baby has a runny eye? What are the treatments to treat a runny eye in the baby?

What are the symptoms of a runny eye in babies?

A runny eye is an eye that is constantly watering, sometimes accompanied by white, sticky secretions at the inner corner of the eye or on his eyelids and lashes upon waking. In the event of superinfection, the secretions may turn yellow or even green.

Why does baby’s eye leak?

If your child has a chain of conjunctivitis, go to his doctor

This flow is very often due to a blocked tear duct. “It often happens that these small tubes, whose role is to evacuate tears towards the nasal fossae, are obstructed by a mucous plug from birth, because of their “twisted” shape, explains Dr. Pierre Popowski, pediatrician. They are still immature.The liquid then accumulates in the eyes, which run permanently.

When to consult for a runny eye?

If the secretions turn yellow or green and your child’s eye is red and swollen, make an appointment with your doctor : it could be symptoms of conjunctivitisa common complication of a blocked tear duct.

What should I do at home if my baby has a runny eye?

The channels will unclog on their own. As a rule, everything is back to normal before the baby’s 1st year. “The treatment is based on regular local care to avoid conjunctivitis: clean the eye several times a day with a clean gauze soaked in saline solution, starting from the inner corner and making a small rotation with the gauze“, says Dr. Popowski.

What are the treatments for a runny eye in babies?

If your child has conjunctivitis, appointment with your doctor : depending on the seriousness of the problem, he may recommend that you consult an ophthalmologist who will carry out a sounding under local anesthesia tear ducts to unclog them.

Thanks to Dr Pierre Popowski, pediatrician.
