Baby-Friendly Maternities: which are labeled IHAB in 2023?

Baby Friendly Maternities which are labeled IHAB in 2023

The “baby-friendly” program was created to support mothers and their children. Find out what the Hôpital Ami des Bébés label and the 64 IHAB maternities in France consist of.

What is the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)?

Launched in 1991 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Unicef, Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) offers individualized support to women who have just given birth and their babies, placing their needs at the heart of the healthcare system. Recommended by the High Authority for Health (HAS), the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS) and the perinatal networks, this approach is coordinated by the association IHAB France which helps maternity wards to apply the recommendations of the WHO and which issues the “Baby Friendly” label“. The HIHA approach is based on three main principles: respect for the individual needs of the mother and the newborn, a reassuring environment for the families and a team spirit enabling quality care.

What support in an IHAB maternity?

IHAB-certified maternities offer individualized support before, during and after birth, to mothers who choose to breastfeed, as well as to those who choose the bottle. If they offer all parents and future parents complete information on the advantages of breastfeeding, these institutions leave them free to make their choice.

Baby-Friendly and Skin-to-Skin Hospital

These maternities also offer all mothers hold their baby skin-to-skin after birth for at least one hour, even in the case of caesarean section and premature birth. Recommended by the World Health Organization and the High Authority for Health, this privileged contact allows the baby to adapt more easily to his new environment. The teams of IHAB-certified maternity units are trained to practice skin-to-skin contact in complete safety.

Which maternities are labeled Baby Friendly?

In total, 64 maternities are labeled IHAB in France which represents around 11% of all French births. In June 2022, eight new maternities have been labeled IHAB: maternity and neonatology of the Perpignan Hospital Center (66), maternity of the Aubagne Hospital Center (13), maternity of the Chauny Hospital Center (02), maternity and neonatology of the Clinique l’Etoile, Aix-en -Provence (13), the maternity of the Sélestat-Obernai Hospital Group (67), the maternity of the Pays Salonais Hospital, Salon de Provence (13), the maternity and neonatology of the CHU Grenoble Alpes, site of Voiron (38) and maternity and neonatology at the Boulogne-sur-mer Hospital Center (62).

In addition, twelve maternities have renewed their certification, which has been extended for 4 years. These are the Maternity unit at the Rhéna clinic in Strasbourg (67), the maternity unit at the Center Hospitalier Emile Borel in Saint-Affrique (12), the maternity and neonatology unit at the Center Hospitalier Gustave Dron in Tourcoing (59), the maternity clinic of the Saint-Coeur in Vendôme (41), the maternity hospital of CH Fourmies, . maternity and neonatology at the Arras Hospital Center (62), maternity at the Erdre et Loire Hospital Center in Ancenis (44), maternity at the Polyclinique du Parc in Cholet (49), maternity and neonatology at the Jura Sud Hospital Center in Lons le Saunier (39), the maternity ward of the Villeneuve d’Ascq Private Hospital (59), the maternity and neonatology ward of the Saint Vincent de Paul Lille Hospital (59) and the maternity and neonatology at the Center Hospitalier de Roubaix.

The list of the 64 IHAB maternities:

The 64 Ihab-certified maternities in December 2022 © Ihab

The CNGOF label, to improve the reception of young mothers

Three years after the testimonies of women denouncing the obstetrical violence suffered during childbirththe National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) has launched a label to improve the well-treatment in maternity wards. Obtained for the moment by about forty maternities, the CNGOF label certifies that the establishment meets 12 requirements concerning in particular the transparency of practices, the systematic implementation of a early prenatal care, the report of the delivery when there was an emergency intervention, etc. Doctors practicing in these labeled maternity units must also offer their patients the possibility of registering on the Maternity website. This platform offers educational videos on pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and measures the relevance of care as well as the listening skills of the teams thanks to a questionnaire completed by the patients.
