Baby at 9 months: feeding, motor skills and sleep

Baby at 9 months feeding motor skills and sleep

The 9th month of baby is important from a health point of view because he must pass a compulsory medical examination. At the same time, he continues to make progress, tastes new foods and still tries to find his sleeping rhythm…even if it requires some adaptation. Here’s everything you need to know about this ninth month baby.

Baby grows, at 9 months he begins a new stage in his life. His development is going well, and day by day he continues his discoveries, especially at mealtimes with the introduction of new foods. This month, he must also carry out a complete medical check-up at the pediatrician. A mandatory visit to ensure his state of health. Discover all our advice, with Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil, to best accompany baby during his 9th month !

At this age, your baby moves a lot and expends a lot of energy. He plays more and your interactions intensify

During this 9th month, separation anxieties are still present. He may have tantrums and cry. To help your little one through this time, remember thathe needs to be reassured, to feel that you are thinking of him, even when you are not together. It is necessary to verbalize as much as possible so that baby feels safe and that he realizes that, even far from you, you do not abandon him.

What does a 9 month old baby eat?

baby meals are now well organized. At nine months, he keeps two bottles, or feedings, a day, and eats two spoonfuls of increasingly starchy foods. Food diversification continues, you make him discover new tastes regularly. So this month he can start eating more flavorful vegetables, such as celery, cauliflower and cheese. You will notice that he can appreciate strong tasting cheeses.

Baby meal at 9 months

During the 9th month, baby meals consist of:

  • in the morning: a 240 ml bottle with cereals;
  • lunch: 200 grams of vegetables with a little butter and 20 to 30 grams of meat or fish. For dessert: dairy or fruit;
  • at snack time: a dairy product or mixed fresh fruit (alternating with lunch), a little fruit juice and a small cake or a crouton of bread;
  • in the evening: a 240 ml bottle with a little flour, or 150 ml of milk and 90 ml of soup.

How do you know if a 9 month old has eaten enough?

When baby has eaten enough, he communicates it easily thanks to certain signs. Usually once he’s full he just stops eating., he closes his mouth when you hand him food. He can also turn his head away from his bottle or his spoon, he can also push away the food he sees in front of him. If your baby falls asleep while eating or is distracted, it can also be a sign that he is no longer hungry.

My 9 month old baby does not want to eat, is this normal?

At 9 months, it is the beginning of the opposition. In the evening, baby can now refuse to eat but also to sleep! He may not finish his puree and ask for a cuddly bottle. He missed you during the day and this is also his way of expressing it. Doctor Nathan wants to be reassuring: “If you feel he is too tired for a spoon feed, give him a bottle with cereal. If he eats well at noon when he is kept outside the house, then everything is fine. This is usually only a transitional phase“.

How many stools per day at 9 months?

Baby’s bowel movements largely depend on what he eats and on baby’s transit. At 9 months, baby usually poops several times a day.

How should a 9 month old baby’s stool be?

Because of his diet which is rich and increasingly varied, the stools of a baby at 9 months have a much denser consistency than before, the smell is also stronger.

Why at 9 months baby does not crawl and does not move?

In terms of motor skills at 9 months, baby learns and goes at his own pace. He pursues more than ever the exploration of the world which surrounds him, but on condition that this universe is familiar to him, because he still does not like the unknown at this age. If baby isn’t crawling or moving yet, it may be due to a problem with his motor development. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician to ensure that he does not have any delays.

A consultation is also necessary if baby is not yet able to sit up by himself at 9 months or if he cannot rock when he is on his back or stomach.

In general, at this age he begins to move on his own, this exploration is made easier for him. Some children also crawl, while others have discovered walking on all fours. Your baby may even be one of those who already manages to upright, using the bars of their bed for example. Also, you have more and more interactions with him, for your greatest pleasure. You launch out with him in parts of hide and seek endlessly, especially since now it is he who is hiding with the help of his bib or his sheet. Laughter guaranteed!

If baby does nothing at 9 months, it is in your best interest to occupy him. By doing activities, baby will be able to stimulate his abilities and his senses, while developing them gradually. At this age they are particularly dynamic, they want to move and touch everything they have at hand. For this, the awakening activities are ideal for keeping baby occupied: sing songs nursery rhymes by mimicking gestures with him to include him in the activity, have him frolic while rolling a foam ball or any other malleable toy that makes noise. Avoid too aggressive sound games, favor natural sounds. At 9 months, baby also likes water games : fill a small basin so that he soaks his hands and has fun with games, under the close supervision of one of his parents!

Why does my 9 month old wake up at night?

To 9 months, baby’s sleep may be disturbed. A regression in sleep is not unusual at this time. It can be linked to separation anxiety.“, recalls Doctor Noémie Nathan. Baby may cry at bedtime because he can’t stand when you leave him alone in his bed. He can also call you at night because he wants to check that you are still there, a phenomenon all the stronger if he is guarded by someone other than you during the day. He wants to somehow make up for lost time! You have to reassure him and talk to him in a soothing voice, but without hugging him. “Unless he’s sick or you think his crying is unusual, it’s not necessary to get him out of bed. Normally he should be able to go back to sleep on his own” so advises the pediatrician.

How long does the nap last at 9 months?

At this age, baby still takes 2 naps on average. It is possible that the rhythm of his naps changes:

  • In the morning he sleeps about 3/4 of an hour,
  • then again at the start of the afternoon, between 45 minutes and 2 hours if he has several sleep cycles.
  • The rhythm then influences the bedtime: “The end-of-day nap can start to disappear, so it’s a sign that you need to put your child to bed earlier, around 8 or 8:30 p.m.“.

What is the baby’s language at 9 months?

Baby communicates more and more by babbling. Even if he is not yet able to say whole words, he enriches his vocabulary thanks to the sounds he hears every day. It is during this period that he may have to say his first “mama”, “mum” or “dad”, successions of syllables that are easy for him to pronounce. At nine months, baby also sometimes expresses himself by screeching. He may want to draw attention to himself, or simply express his energy or fatigue.

At nine months, your baby must see his pediatrician – or general practitioner – for his second full health check. This visit is obligatory. This determines the payment of family benefits, but above all it is an opportunity to make a complete assessment of his physical and psychomotor development and check that everything is fine.

Your pediatrician will take the time to ask you about your baby’s lifestyle. By whom is it guarded when you work? At what age did he make his first smile? Does he sleep well? How long has he been sitting? Is he still breastfed? When did food diversification start? He will then review the good health of your baby. For it, he will measure it (70 cm on average), weigh it (between 8 and 9 kg) and take the head circumference measurement. He will also check his visual acuity (baby see very well from afar at this age), as well as his hearing. For this, the doctor stands behind the baby and uses boxes that emit sounds. If the child turns his head to the right side, he has good hearing. He also listens to your baby’s heart and lungs, feels his belly and external genitalia. He also observes his throat and his teeth. Finally, the pediatrician takes stock of the psychomotor development of your baby. He makes sure that he sits well, that he maintains his head well, that he knows how to grasp objects using his thumb. He also assesses his reactions to loss of balance. Throughout the visit, the doctor is attentive to how your child behaves, how he chirps and communicates with you. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them.

What is the weight and height of a 9 month old baby?

At nine months, baby grows a little more and is still gaining weight. Depending on whether it is a girl or a boy, the weight and height vary. On average, baby weighs between 8 and 10 kilos and measures between 65 and 71 centimeters.
