Baby at 21 months: nocturnal awakenings, whims and language

Baby at 21 months nocturnal awakenings whims and language

Already the 21st month! Baby looks more and more like a child: agile, almost clean, talkative, and maybe even a bit capricious! This is normal development at 21 months. We take stock with Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil.

At 21 months, your child is growing autonomous, and he lets you know. He absolutely wants to do things on his own, like a grown-up: an attitude to be encouraged, while keeping an eye on him at all times to avoid the risk of accidents! What are the different developmental milestones at 21 months ? Discover the advice of Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil, to best accompany your baby this month!

What awakening for a 21 month old baby?

Your 21 month old child is more and more agile with his body. He now knows how to climb stairs on his own – but always under adult supervision of course – and begins to want to go down them like you, in a standing position. He also perfectly masters his gestures: he can, for example, throw a ball over his shoulder, or shoot into it. Above all, he wants to do things on his own, in his own way.

Behavior at 21 months, baby has tantrums?

Above all, don’t be ashamed, baby will quickly integrate your embarrassment and force the crisis until you give in!

When he is prevented in his various more or less daredevil undertakings, baby throws anger. Make him understand that some things are non-negotiable, like joining hands in the street because his safety is at stake. On the other hand, for other things, such as choosing a yoghurt or a flavor of jam, it is also important to let him express his opinion and to listen to him. A baby who has whims tries to assert himself, and for him this means opposition. Rather than taking him head-on by trying to assert your authority through coercion and reprimand, talk to him calmly, with the firmness of those who need more to be impressed. Above all, don’t be ashamed, baby will quickly integrate your embarrassment and force the crisis until you give in! Stay calm, create a diversion, offer an alternative or even ask him to explain the reasons for his anger: the main thing is that he feels respected in his individuality, and not just subject to your decisions which he still thinks are completely arbitrary. .

Cleanliness at 21 months

The average age for stopping diapers is between two and three years old, but the precocity will mainly depend on the baby’s physiological and psychological maturity. At 21 months, you can gently introduce him to the potty. Offer to sit on it to tame it, and even start a game to distract it. A pee will inevitably occur at some point, and it is at this time that he will concretely understand the use of this strange seat. Baby may take fright and feel deprived of a part of his body: this fear is completely normal, but if it is paralyzing, do not insist. Baby is not ready yet. Let him come back to it on his own. He will do it sooner or later, after a long assimilation and understanding of the process, and its interest!

Refusal to sleep and nocturnal awakenings

21 months, it is the age of all discoveries but also the age of opposition ! Bedtimes and nights can therefore become a bit difficult. Baby resists, he cries, gets up, calls you repeatedly. If he has just gone to bed as a grown-up, be reassured, this phase is transitory. This is a big change for the child, he may need time to get used to it. Either way, be as firm as possible, while remaining kind. There’s no point in shouting, it could escalate the situation. He must understand that it is not he who decides. Pay attention to his rhythm, a child who goes to bed too late, exhausted, may have trouble falling asleep.

Get him to take a nap

Baby is more and more reluctant to take a nap, yet at 21 months, he still needs it. The key to his good sleep is in the constancy of this step, which must be daily and non-negotiable.. Without surprise on the course of his day, baby accepts much better to go to bed, knowing that there is no alternative or possibility of making you give in. A ritual that should ideally take place at a fixed time. A baby who has integrated his rhythm well does not put up any resistance, on the contrary, it could well be that he is the one who, tired in advance, will go find his cuddly toy himself! On the other hand, do not put it in complete darkness: a nap by definition takes place during the day, and baby must be able to make this difference. Also, it is better not to accustom him to assimilate darkness and sleepiness because at the slightest change, especially on vacation, the nap risks making you spend a bad quarter of an hour!

Baby’s language is refined, he starts to pronounce his first sentences short and simple. He also knows how to recognize and name objects in his little books: a cat, a cake, a house… At this age, some children already speak very well, others take their time. Try not to compare your child with his other little friends, everyone evolves at their own pace.

On the toy side, baby loves them building games, bricks… and all the imitation games (playing the merchant, playing the doctor…). He likes to participate in daily life and in the life of the house: do not hesitate to ask him to set the table, put his toys away, put his things in the dirty laundry basket… He likes also a lot of moving and emptying furniture, and rummaging through bags!

What is the height and weight of a baby at 21 months?

  • If your baby is a boy, 21 months, it measures on average 85 cm and weighs between 11 and 12 kg.
  • If it is a girl, she measures on average between 83 and 84 cm and weighs between 10 and 11 kg approximately.

The health of a 21 month old baby

Autism and diagnosis

There are no specific health appointments at 21 months, but it is often around this age that theautismor one autism spectrum disorder, will be diagnosed. The pediatrician will be particularly attentive to several signs, the first being a regression in the acquisitions. A child who was developing quite normally will gradually backtrack. A very shy, introverted child who is not in communication or language, avoids visual exchange, has stereotyped gestures or repetitive games, all of which will arouse the doctor’s suspicions. The child may simply be slightly off and careful monitoring for the next 6 months will determine this. But you should not wait to start treatment, the assessment must be scheduled quickly. You know your baby better than anyone so trust yourself if you have any doubts and express them quickly to your child’s pediatrician.

In case of gastro or strong diarrhea

At 21 months, the major risk is above all that of dehydration. Make sure the baby takes small amounts of liquid regularly, ideally a rehydration solution diluted in water, or rice water. But if baby seems to be emptying, he seems exhausted, or he has no more tears to cry for example, an emergency consultation is necessary.


The fever in a child is very random. Some will tolerate it very well at 40°, while others at 38.2° will be completely apathetic or have breathing difficulties. Thus in case of fever, much more than the number at which it peaks, it is the associated symptoms that determine the possible seriousness of the situation.. It is then necessary to analyze a child’s tolerance to fever, i.e. his color (marbled or with blue extremities), his breathing (shortness of breath, intercostal indrawing), and his state of consciousness (exhaustion, prostration, weakness) to go to the emergency room, regardless of the height of the fever.

In case of fever, it is above all the associated symptoms that determine the possible seriousness of the situation.

What is a baby’s diet at 21 months old?

Your child has his little habits at the table: he likes to eat the same dishes, at the same time, on the same plate… Don’t upset him, but try to vary his diet every day by offering him different foods, and cooking them in different ways. Respect his appetite, and don’t force him to finish his plate when he doesn’t feel like it: some days he’s hungrier than others, just like you!
