Baby at 20 months: behavior, cleanliness and motor skills

Baby at 20 months behavior cleanliness and motor skills

20 months already! Your baby knows how to do more and more things and begins to have strong tastes. Cleanliness is also beginning to interest him…

At 20 months, your baby is no longer one: he is more and more independent. His language develops very quickly, and his tastes, especially in terms of food, assert themselves. We take stock of the baby mealbut also on its health, weight and height thus his learning to walk, with Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil. Zoom on the milestones of baby development at 20 months.

What is the development of a baby at 20 months?

During his 20th month, your baby is more and more autonomous and he shows his desire to do things on his own: he likes to undress like a grown-up, with the help of an adult, and also tries to dress himself. Even if he does not necessarily succeed very well, it is important to encourage him in this way. Behaviourally, some children show at this age a small separation anxiety. The main thing is to reassure him: never leave without telling him that you will be back, giving him time indications that he can understand (after the snack, for example).

Behavior at 20 months, what to do in the event of a crisis?

Patience, listening, affection and firmness: the key to managing baby’s crises

At 20 months, baby is enthusiastic and curious. He lives through his emotions and his desire for autonomy, which can be largely thwarted by his parents, who ensure his safety. Thereby, baby can be stubborn and impulsive, and throw thunderous anger in case of refusal and opposition to his undertakings. By mirror effect, they too are in full “period of no”, a crucial step where you will have to succeed in imposing yourself, being obeyed, without going through shouting or rigid and punitive authority… A real challenge, where your patience will certainly be put to the test! But therein lies the key to those tricky situations, where you need to be a good listener and help your child verbalize whatever emotions they are feeling, rather than yelling or rolling on the floor.

How to calm a 20 month old baby?

You can also leave him in his room while he calms down, and tell him to come back to you once his anger has passed. On his return, do not pass over the event as if nothing had happened, on the contrary, take advantage that he is calmer to talk about it and explain your objection to him. Above all, do not forget to tell him that you love him, that you are proud of him when he is calm (which does not mean that you do not take into account his emotions and desires!) and to give him a cuddly. A good mutual behavior – neither crisis, nor cries – which will only generate a virtuous circle where the child’s listening will be framed by his (unconscious) need to be secure.

Why baby has a difficult sleep and no longer wants to fall asleep alone?

At 20 months, baby can start to be anxious to sleep alone. He expresses his fears by talking about the wolf, about ghosts. His cupboard, a lamp, a toy, all these pieces of furniture and objects suddenly become threatening after dark. the passage to the big bed can also be a bit difficult to get through, so it is better to make sure that the child feels good in his crib rather than skipping the steps. If baby has a crisis to go to bed, it will of course be necessary to reassure him, but also to know how to be firm and impose a framework on him.

How does a 20 month old baby talk?

If your child has started talking, his language develops very quickly : at this stage, he can learn about twenty new words per day. Do not hesitate to encourage him, by talking to him as much as possible, by reading short stories to him… If, on the other hand, at 20 months, your child still does not speak, the pediatrician will make sure that he has a good understanding. and that he is able to carry out simple orders. If this is not the case, the doctor will be particularly vigilant and may initiate further investigations. Do not hesitate to speak with him if you have any doubts.

What activities to do with a 20 month old baby?

At 20 month, your child shows more and more interest in manual activities : he likes to colour, scribble… and knows how to draw (almost!) straight lines. It also begins to pay close attention to one’s own body : he now knows how to name several parts of his body, such as hands, legs, arms, stomach, hair… He also begins to explore his genitals, and to make the difference between the sexes, in particular to know he is a little boy or a little girl. You can thus develop this interest through appropriate reading, or even discovery games, through dolls or other “dismountable” figurines, which baby can reassemble into a well-constituted person. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are legendary in this field!

Outdoors, baby is no longer a big fan of his stroller, and much prefers his tricycle or scooter with handlebars for parents for short walks. He can thus follow the rhythm of the ride without being hampered in his desire to move in complete “freedom”.

20 month old baby health

At 20 months, your child has a compulsory medical visit (it is 100% reimbursed by Social Security). It allows you to monitor the good growth of your child, but also to talk about any problems you may encounter: food, sleep… Take advantage of it!

In case of gastro

At 20 months, gastro requires the same vigilance as for a smaller child. Priority is given to hydration more than food, because the risks of dehydration are significant and potentially dangerous, and baby is not necessarily hungry during an episode of gastro. Rather than giving him pure mineral water, offer him broths, rice water or sweet teas and especially oral rehydration solutions, in small quantities but very regularly. If gastro causes weight loss, a visit to the pediatrician is essential. If it is more than 5% of its weight, it will then be necessary to go directly to the emergency room. Be aware that a rotavirus vaccine exists. Talk to your pediatrician.

In case of conjunctivitis

If baby has red eyes, and especially in the morning, purulent, crusty secretions, between green and yellow, a visit to the pediatrician is essential for the prescription of antibiotic eye drops. Wash the baby’s eye by gently passing a sterile compress soaked in physiological saline (do not hesitate to run it into the eye with the pipette itself). If both eyes are infected, take one compress per eye. Know that in some nurseries, conjunctivitis is a reason for eviction, because of its extreme contagion.

In case of flu

At the crossroads of several symptoms, it is up to the pediatrician to make the diagnosis of influenza. In a 20-month-old baby, this can be impressive, considerably altering the general condition of the child. It is imperative to consult if the fever is poorly tolerated or rises to 40°, and go directly to the emergency room in the event of breathing difficulties or asthenia. The flu in a child can last several days before seeing a gradual improvement in the condition of the child, who gradually regains appetite, energy and vitality.

What height and weight is a baby at 20 months?

  • If your baby is a boy, at 20 months, he measures on average 84 cm and weighs between 11 and 12 kg.
  • If it is a girl, she measures on average between 82 and 83 cm and weighs between 10 and 11 kg.

What food for a 20 month old baby?

Your child begins to show you their food preferences. His tastes are asserting themselves, and he may begin to refuse the vegetables, and the new foods that you present to him. Persevere and continue to offer them these foods despite everything: food neophobia is a transitional period. His nutritional balance is at stake.

Difficult meal?

At 20 months, baby may not want to eat as easily as before. If he immediately refuses everything you offer him, it is certainly in connection with his period of food neophobia, during which he fears new foods and opposes everything he does not know on principle. If this stage is normal, it is only transitory. Also, the challenge of this passage is to cross it without anxiety or conflict. Baby must not see it as a way to oppose you, and even less so that he sees meals as moments of tension. If he doesn’t want to eat, so be it! As long as her growth charts are still moving in the right direction, don’t put any pressure on yourself, let alone baby. Do not force him to eat, or even to taste. Sit him at the table with everyone, serve him his plate… and take care of yours! By not feeling any expectation weighing on him, and especially by noting that everyone is enjoying the same meal as him, he risks mechanically starting to eat too! With fingers or cutlery, it doesn’t matter, let him eat as he pleases. By ritualizing the meal as a moment of pleasure and conviviality, baby will gradually take pleasure in sitting down to eat!
