Baby at 15 months: games, crying and cramped period

Baby at 15 months games crying and cramped period

At fifteen months, your baby diversifies his games more and more. Push, pull, walk, climb… It’s a real jack-of-all-trades! Besides, you will have to start asking him some prohibitions! The point with Doctor Noémie Nathan.

Baby is walking, or about to walk, and he is exploring his environment more and more. His character is also asserting itself, and sometimes it’s time to start setting some limits for him, for his safety! Discover the advice and recommendations of Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil, for a healthy baby. We take stock of the development of the baby at 14 months, on his sleep and his nights, his health and his weight, as well as his diet. At 15 months, your little baby is evolving at full speed. He walks, he expresses himself, he plays more and more. His language expands and his character asserts itself.

At 15 months, your little baby is evolving at full speed

Baby sleep at 15 months, why does he howl at night?

In a period so rich in learning, it is normal that the baby’s sleep is disturbed. He is thinking and his little brain is spinning at full speed! In the evening, he is very tired and may have difficulty falling asleep or even waking up during the night. Also, make sure he doesn’t wake up hungry. If this is the case, you will have to increase his evening ration a little! Don’t be afraid to feed him too much or not enough, he will know how to regulate himself. The ideal, if the causes of his awakening are not related to an illness, is to wait a few minutes to see if the baby manages to go back to sleep on his own.. If this is not the case, go see him to reassure him, but without taking him in your arms. If the difficulties persist, ask your pediatrician for advice and don’t hesitate to try homeopathy or phytotherapy, which give excellent results.

In full desire for autonomy and exploration, baby is nonetheless very attached to his reference figure, with whom he is still close.. He thus alternates between periods of emancipation and a sudden need to return to your protective bosom, which he does not take off. This is called a “crampon period”, which occurs at this age when his discoveries lead him to surroundings or people he does not recognize. He then needs to take a good dose of insurance and security, before setting off again. A crampon period is linked to the theory of attachment, which affirms that the more a child feels listened to and his needs considered, the more he progresses serenely in his process of autonomy. If he doesn’t let go of you and keeps asking for you, then give him all the attention he wants. Perhaps you will find it a little too oppressive at the time, but you will soon see a new cycle of autonomy arrive, and all the more serene.

What if it still doesn’t work?

Learning to walk is very random in babies. If at 15 months, it still does not work: nothing serious! Some babies have already taken their first steps, others have not. As with all learning, each child progresses at their own pace. At this age, there is nothing to worry about if your little one is not yet walking. Give him some time. Progress will come naturally day by day, and he still has five months to go before he talks about being late. By then, baby will even be able to run!

What are the first words a 15 month old baby says?

Baby is more likely to say “wow” than “dog” to designate the animal

Baby’s first words are usually “dad” and “mom”. At 15 months, he also knows how to use small words allowing him to communicate with those around him, such as “bye-bye” or “hello?”. He tends to use a single word to make a sentence (holophrase), such as when he says “give” for “give me the ball” or “give me a cake”. Rather than calling them by their name, baby will tend to reproduce animal noises to designate them, and will be more inclined to say “meow” than to say “cat”! And if, at 15 months, baby does not speak yet, know that this is nothing to worry about. The most important thing for the moment is that he understands what you are telling him, and that he is in the exchange, even if he does not yet have the words to answer you. Everything is in the recording phase, and baby will decide to start whenever he wants!

The baby’s character asserts itself a little more each day and her mood is changeable. He does what he wants and does not always listen to you, since he no longer necessarily needs you to go where he wants. It is therefore time to set some limits and of know how to say no. And contrary to what one might think, these limits are reassuring for the child and allow him to assert himself. Explain to him, in simple words, why you are saying no to him and stay firm.

What activities to do with a 15 month old baby?

Does your baby know how to walk? With her, he discovers new games, like pushing a small cart or pulling a small dog. He continues to want to climb the stairs, but at 15 months, he still does not know how to descend. We can never tell you enough, be careful, because the staircase is the cause of many domestic accidents. During its 15th month, the small child continues to enjoy playing with water. When he is in his bath, provide him with cups, a strainer, a bottle… all in plastic, of course. You can also play it with modeling clay or make him do finger painting. Indeed, he will very much like to discover these new textures. Baby still love it so much to play hide and seek. If you hide toys from him, he has a lot of fun looking for them and is very proud to find them.

15 month old baby health

No appointment with the pediatrician this month, unless baby is sick. On the other hand, next month he will have to receive his booster of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella).

What is the height and weight of a 15 month old baby?

  • If your baby is a boy, at fifteen months, he measures on average 78 cm and weighs around 11 kg.
  • If it is a girl, at fifteen months, she measures on average 76 cm and weighs a little more than 10 kg.

At this age, he may be confronted with a new virus every week

Between the age of one year and the age of 18 months, baby generally enters the community. And who says community says… frequent illnesses! If baby has a fever (between 38 and 38.5, we speak of low fever), the most important thing is to check not only the associated symptoms, but also how the child tolerates this hyperthermia. If after 24 hours of proven fever, the child is playing and seems to be fine, only monitoring is necessary. If, on the other hand, he is pale, grumpy, asthenic, he must be seen by a doctor. Especially if he has a history of urinary tract infection or seizures. On the other hand, in the case of diseases such as chickenpox, roseola or measles, the fever precedes the rash and will stop as soon as the first pimples appear.

What food for a 15 month old baby?

You will notice it at every meal, baby wants to eat alone. Alas, he is still a little clumsy. Certainly, he knows how to drink from a glass on my own, but when it comes to the spoon, it’s still difficult. He puts it in his mouth, but not always in the right direction, and the food often falls out. However, it is necessary to encourage him in this learning. The best is that you each have your own spoon, so you give him food and at the same time he tries. Also provide food cut into small pieces, which can be eaten with your fingers. Don’t forget the plastic bibs with their little gutter to catch anything that falls! Moreover, at fifteen months, you will notice that his appetite varies from one meal to another. His tastes assert themselves: one day he loves carrots, the next day he refuses them. You are also surprised that he likes strong-tasting foods, such as Roquefort where the smoked fish. Don’t force him to eat something he doesn’t like, or to finish his plate if he’s full.

Meal ideas for a 15 month old baby

His meals now consist of:

– the morning : a bottle of milk with possibly flavored flour, fruit juice, a rusk or cereal, or a piece of bread with jam or honey

– noon : raw vegetables, vegetables and/or starches with a little butter and meat or fish or an egg yolk, all cut into small pieces. For dessert: a dairy;
– at snack : a compote, a little fruit juice and a slice of bread;
– in the evening: vegetable soup, dairy (yogurt, semolina, rice pudding, etc.), bread, compote.
