Baby at 14 months: growth spurt, crisis and language

Baby at 14 months growth spurt crisis and language

For his 14th month, your baby is beginning to master the first elements of language, asserts himself more and more and continues his discoveries with objects and walking… If he has not yet taken his first steps, he it might launch this month!

Now that he is up, baby is constantly exploring the world. However, he still needs to be reassured by your presence and can be distressed when you leave him. At 14 months, baby can also have his first temper tantrums…which he will have to learn to manage. But do not worry, baby expresses his frustration above all. Everything will be back to normal when his vocabulary will have expanded and he will be able to speak. Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil, gives us the keys to understanding baby evolution this month.

Baby’s growth spurt at 14 months

Engine development

Baby is going through her ninth growth spurt.

From a motor and physical point of view, he is making enormous progress. At 14 months, he now has a perfect sense of grip, and even holds multiple objects in one hand. In this way, he handles his cutlery better and better and enjoys eating freely, also with his fingers if necessary, without worrying in the least about his splashes and overflows. Little rascal, baby could even take pleasure in making his environment benefit from his mash! Do not take things “in hand” to avoid soiling, and cut off all momentum in his learning: rather invest in disposable bibs and anticipate the preparation of the war scene well so as not to have too much cleaning chore! walking side, baby is still unsteady and not yet walking smoothly but his progress is made at an incredible speed, and you will soon see him prefer running to walking. Also, if baby still doesn’t walk, don’t panic: he’s making other progress elsewhere, and he can’t do everything at the same time. Each baby has its own pace of development.

Cognitive development

Baby perfectly understands the basics of language, and if you ask him to give you an item, he is able to find it among his toys and then hand it to you. He can answer you perfectly with yes or no, even more so if you speak to him in a calm, fluid and simple way. He is also capable of developing short-term micro-projects and getting to work to achieve them, or above all to obtain the object of desire. At 14 months, baby is a happy fellow, and nothing pleases him more than a game of jokes or laughter with mom or dad.

Baby continues to discover the world. He always needs to feel the presence of his parents with him and is very wary of strangers. In his new universe, larger than the park in which he used to play, he discovers many objects. When one of them catches his attention, he manipulates it, turns it and turns it over, in short, observe it from every angle. This discovery passes, less and less by the mouth, but more by the touch, the sight, the hearing and the smell.

Be careful and don’t leave everything within baby’s reach!

What is the language level of a 14 month old baby?

Bbaby understands everything you say to him

At 14 months, your baby has mastered a few words. To favor language learning, name the objects around it. try teach him simple words and encourage him to repeat them. But if he doesn’t talk much, . Moreover, if you ask him to show you an object, he will point to it with his fingertip. If baby isn’t talking yet, don’t worry. Each child evolves at his own pace and some will be more motor, focusing on the acquisition of walking, while others will, on the contrary, develop language.

What is a typical day for a 14 month old baby?

At 14 months, baby has rich days, which revolve around a good nap in the afternoon. Depending on the mode of care especially, some babies can do without the morning nap and have mornings fully focused on discovery and play.. Others still have a morning rest phase, resulting in a shorter nap after lunch. Anyway, baby needs exchange through indoor games but also outside. He enjoys stroller rides, but soon asks for his release once he arrives at the park. This outing, even for a quarter of an hour, is then a highlight of the baby’s day to strengthen his walking, his coordination and his fluidity of movement, but also to get rid of his separation anxiety, and marvel at every discovery or encounter he makes. Then comes bath time and pre-bedtime activities: an equally important moment of tenderness in baby’s day. This is where he finds the hugs of his reference figure for a serene and continuous sleep until the next morning.

What is the sleep pattern of a 14 month old baby?

After the age of one year, naps get longer. Your baby may sometimes skip morning rest time and eat breakfast earlier than before. He will then continue with a big nap in the afternoon. At night, baby must sleep between 8 and 12 hours in a row. In case of awakenings, you can reassure him of your presence without necessarily having to get him up. Tell him that it’s still dark and that he can go back to sleep peacefully, in complete confidence… mum is watching!

What games and activities for a 14 month old baby?

At 14 months, your little one likes to play with objects that fit together such as cubes. Water remains a source of great pleasure, especially when you give him his bath and he can have fun with a boat or a floating duck. He also loves everything related to animals. This is the time to offer him little picture books with dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, pigs… Your baby may even already know how to reproduce the cry of some of them.

What we interpret as whims are usually a manifestation of his frustration. Even if it puts the parents’ nerves to the test, this phase is part of the child development and is not worrying. Baby simply lacks the tools to communicate! He does not yet know how to express his desires and therefore may stamp his feet or shout when he is displeased. In the event of a crisis, the parent must verbalize, and try to remain as calm as possible. If, for example, your baby throws a tantrum when leaving the park, explain to him that it’s time to leave, take a few minutes (no more) to say goodbye to the park and the trees, for example.

At 14 months, baby shows great curiosity and sometimes ventures into discovering potentially dangerous objects or situations. But having no awareness of the danger himself, it is important to be able to say “no” to him, in order to make him understand that such and such an approach is not in his interest, rather than to oppose him with a ruthless and screaming “no! “, which without further ado, would only accentuate his frustration and incomprehension. Thus, when baby is about to go towards something forbidden, approach him, put yourself at his height, and with a good mix of calm and firmness, tell him that what he wanted to do or take is forbidden, because it may hurt him. One thing is certain, this is only the beginning! Over the next few month, baby will never stop risking new ventures, and your ability to make you obey will be severely tested….

14 month old baby health

At 14 months, your child does not have a specific follow-up appointment with the pediatrician, nor a vaccine reminder. The next appointment will take place between 16 and 18 months, baby will then receive his second MMR injection (Measles Mumps Rubella).

Gastro and Covid at 14 months

Regardless of the intensity of the symptoms, it is necessary at 14 months to consult a pediatrician if the baby’s state of health deteriorates. Whether for gastro or Covid through fever, the risk is also that of dehydration. Be sure to always offer baby small but regular amounts of water to drink. As for the treatment, follow the doctor’s instructions carefully, and do not hesitate to restart it if you do not see a gradual improvement in the symptoms but also in the baby’s behavior.

At 14 months, how much does my baby weigh and measure?

  • If your baby is a boy, at fourteen monthsit measures on average 77 cm and weighs a little more than 10 kg.
  • If it’s a girl, at fourteen months, it measures on average 75 cm and weighs about 10 kg.

Which teeth at 14 months?

Up to 18 months, nothing to worry about if your baby doesn’t have teeth yet. At that time, if his teeth are slow to come out, your pediatrician will refer you to a dentist who will prescribe a panoramic X-ray.

Baby can eat anything at fourteen months! His diet is getting closer and closer to that of adults. Step by step, you mix the food less so that he gets used to the small pieces. Milk still holds an important place in his diet, as it is essential for his growth. Introduce him to new tastes regularly, but don’t force him to eat something he’s tasted and doesn’t like.

At 14 months, her meals now consist of:

  • in the morning: a bottle of milk with possibly flavored flour, fruit juice, a rusk or cereal, or a piece of bread with jam or honey;
  • lunch: raw vegetables, vegetables and/or starches with a little butter and meat or fish or an egg yolk, all cut into small pieces. For dessert: a dairy;
  • at snack time: a compote and a slice of bread.
  • in the evening: a vegetable soup, a dairy product or a bottle, bread, a compote.
