Baby at 10 months: meals, character and activities

Baby at 10 months meals character and activities

At 10 months, baby can now sit up and crawl, and will soon be trying to walk. The 10th month is the time to sing, play and… put things up high! Our advice, with Doctor Noémie Nathan, pediatrician in Montreuil.

Your baby is now entering its tenth month and continues on its merry way. He still moves by crawling or on all fours, but not for long. Indeed, in a few weeks (13 months on average), he will walk on his own, like a big one. But let’s not skip the steps! Baby’s day is now well paced between meals, naps, playtime. This month, there is no specific visit or vaccine reminder. Find out what happens in baby’s 10th month.

Baby asserts himself!

At 10 months, baby has a much more coordinated physical behavior. His dexterity is refined, he is more and more skilful and gets up on his own by leaning on low furniture. It climbs perfectly well on everything within reach, but be careful, baby does not control the descent as well. so be sure to always watch it when it is in free circulation! Socially, he loves to play and chat, communicating with sounds, even double syllables, and lots of gestures. At 10 months, on the other hand, baby asserts itself. Not that he is testing his parents’ limits, but his exploration of the world leads him to repeat the same stupidity several times to fully understand that it is not allowed to him. Attention, parents not to arouse more lust than that! Under your supervision of course, let baby do it by calmly explaining to him that it has no interest for him, and he will not try to come back to it any more than that. Method tested and approved by many mothers!

Motor skills at 10 months: baby stands up

Now baby is perfectly comfortable with the sitting. His back and his head are well maintained. He even knows how to go from a lying position to a sitting position. But now, what interests him is stand up. Also, when he is in his playpen or in his bed, he uses the bars to try to get up on his own, and very quickly he will succeed. Some children even begin to move by leaning on the furniture in the house.

Baby not moving or crawling at 10 months

For the moment, the most important thing is to observe your baby and, if the situation does not change, to discuss the situation with the pediatrician when 11th month visit. He may possibly prescribe a psychomotor assessment and, to compensate for this slight delay, recommend a few sessions. It may only take three one-hour sessions to unblock the situation. For now, don’t worry too much.

When does baby start clapping?

The applause learning phase is between 6 and 9 months also, at 10 months, baby has acquired this gesture far from being trivial in its development. In effecttheir mastery took time to reconcile speed and synchronization. He had to use several resources, such as sight and the muscles of his arms, to make them coincide with another ability: coordination. Casually, by clapping, baby attests to great progress in terms of fine motor skills, concentration and cognition, since it is by imitation that baby learned to clap.

What is the language level of a 10 month old baby?

Baby uses sounds and verbalizes his first words

At 10 months, babies express themselves and know how to make themselves understood. He masters the tones perfectly and knows how to adapt them to his moods and the feelings he wants to communicate. In terms of language, baby uses sounds and verbalizes his first words, which are often double syllables like “mama” or “dada”, and of course “papa”. These are often accompanied by gestures to make themselves heard even better, like when he quickly strings together the syllables while pointing to something very specific! In addition, baby begins to reproduce well the sounds that his entourage repeats to him, such as the cries of animals.

Baby always communicates more with those around him during his 10th month. Every day he tries to replicate what he sees you doing. He may already know how to say goodbye, congratulations, thank you with your hand… Sing him songs nursery rhymes accompanied by small gestures, you will see that he will take great pleasure in imitating you. He is also interested in the details of toys. Thus, he carefully observes the eyes, the mouth, the nose of his dolls and stuffed animals, and also begins to become attached to them. During the tenth month, the bath is also a real moment of pleasure.. He has a lot of fun watching the water flow from the tap, tapping with his hands and feet. He also likes to fill small cups with water or play with a colander.

What is the character of baby at 10 months?

Your 10-month-old baby is becoming aware of his individuality. Certain innate traits of his personality can already be drawn. They will then be shaped by the environment, the parents, but also the place of the child among the siblings. Some children are restless, others more calm and dreamy. Just like adults!

Does baby start fussing at 10 months?

The myth of whims in babies still has a hard tooth, but know that before 18 months, if baby cries, it is not to make a whim but to express a lack, a need or a frustration. His brain is not yet developed enough to think other than in terms of immediacy. In fact, he cannot imagine something that would make him want and implement the means to obtain it. On the other hand, on the baby form can cry and express himself with more or less intensity and annoyance, at the height of his feelings. It’s time to keep calm and reassure him!

At 10 months, my baby is typing

At 10 months, baby is not yet in language, he expresses himself mainly through gestures. As Dr. Nathan remarks: ” It happens when iclap, pinch or bite to provoke or trigger a reaction in the other. This does not bode well for the future and you should not worry about these behaviors, but observe if the situation were to escalate. Your baby may simply be anxious, afraid of the unknown. Just as he likes to throw objects in his hands to the ground, he may also need to bite or feel things to feel things.“.

A typical baby’s day inevitably begins with his bottle in the morning when he wakes up. You can then put him in his playpen for a bit while you devote yourself to your morning activities, then have a little fun with him afterwards. Prepare it in turn, and why not enjoy some shopping for a little walk / morning nap. Then comes lunch between 11:30 a.m. and 12 p.m., and if you haven’t been out in the morning, you can take advantage of the afternoon siesta to take a long walk in the open air. His sleep will be even more profitable (by the way, in the Nordic countries, babies take naps outside), not to mention that they love the rolling of the stroller! It’s finally snack time, around 4 p.m., a time that you can also devote to long periods of play, and do sensory activities with him, for example. Then comes bath time, an equally attractive and playful moment, and then dinner. Another good cuddling session and voila, baby deserved to rest after this crazy day. and at 7:30 p.m., bedtime!

What is the sleep pattern of a 10 month old baby?

Naps at 10 months

At 10 months, baby must take two daily naps. In general, they frame the lunch. One before in the morning, and the other just after the meal. The latter is generally longer, but like the first, it is crucial for baby’s development. So that baby is always well aware of the difference between day and night, do not cultivate an atmosphere that is too nocturnal for naps. close the shutters only halfway, for example, or leave the door open to reveal a ray of daylight.

Nights at 10 months

Normally, baby should sleep 10-12 hours a night continuously. If your baby does not yet sleep at 10 months, maybe you can discuss it with your pediatrician at your next appointment. It happens of course that the nights are interrupted during minor illnesses or if a tooth is breaking through. But apart from these situations, your baby usually sleeps and should not wake up at night.

My baby grinds her teeth

This is something that always surprises young parents! If your baby grinds his teeth, it may simply be because he doesn’t really know what to do with it! He forces his jaw, testing his strength, there’s nothing wrong with that.

What height and weight for a 10 month old baby?

At 10 months, baby measures between 70 and 75 cm approximately, and weighs between 8 and 11 kilos.

What meal for a 10 month old baby?

By the 10th month, baby meals are now well organized. He keeps two bottles or feedings a day and has two spoon meals. Also, you make him discover new tastes regularly. His meals at 10 months consist of:

  • in the morning: a 240 ml bottle, possibly including second-age flour;
  • lunch: 200 grams of vegetables with a little butter and 20 to 30 grams of meat or fish. For dessert: dairy or fruit;
  • at snack time: a dairy product or mixed fresh fruit (alternating with lunch), a little fruit juice and a small cake or a crouton of bread;
  • in the evening: a 240 ml bottle with a little flour, or 150 ml of milk and 90 ml of soup or a vegetable purée supplemented with a bottle of milk.

Know that it is important to prevent obesity from an early age. Indeed, by giving your child good eating habits very early on, you guarantee him good health. So, never force him to finish his plate if he doesn’t want to. From an early age, your child knows how much food he needs and there is no need to get him used to eating more. In addition, it is good that he eats four balanced meals a day, at regular times. Avoid giving him sugary drinks that he will quickly take a liking to. Finally, let him taste everything, without forcing him, however, to eat what he does not like.
