Babies born from sperm donation are just as healthy as others

Babies born from sperm donation are just as healthy as

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    According to a British study, the health of infants born thanks to gamete donation is similar to that observed in the general population.

    Good news for all parents who have had recourse to sperm donation: babies born with the help of a donor are as healthy as those conceived in the traditional way. At least that’s according to a new British study, which analyzed more than 200,000 pregnant women in the UK.

    Fewer premature births as a result

    Unexpectedly, babies born with the help of a sperm donor are less likely to be born prematurely or have a low birth weight than others.

    In contrast, artificially conceived twins appear to be less healthy than other babies.

    For researchers from the University of Aberdeen and the Aberdeen Fertility Centre, however, these initial results remain rather satisfactory:

    Women, couples, clinics and policy makers can be reassured that although donor sperm may be the only option for some to conceive, perinatal outcomes do not appear to be worse than those born in a traditional way

    The only drawback of this practice is that the baby may be bigger, making the delivery a little more complex.

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    In France, sperm donations are on the rise

    In 2021, nearly 600 men donated their sperm. This is the maximum recorded to date.

    Nevertheless, faced with a booming demand – nearly 6,800 women applied for PMA in 2021 – these donations remain marginal.

    As a result, the delays are particularly long to start a PMA: on average, it takes more than a year between the first request and the start of the process.
