B52 bombers practice at low altitude over Stockholm

B52 bombers practice at low altitude over Stockholm

Published: Just now

full screen Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL

Several American B-52 bombers are currently flying at low altitude over the Stockholm area.

The flight is an exercise that takes place, among other things, over the castle and the government quarters.

– This exercise shows how strong we are together, says Therese Fagerstedt at the Swedish Armed Forces.

The exercise is one of several that have been carried out on Swedish territory in recent times – and is part of the US’s promise to show presence during Sweden’s NATO process.

The plane flew at lunchtime at low altitude over the Royal Palace and government quarters after flying over southern Sweden.

– They will practice together with the Jas 39 Gripen and will be able to fly quite low over Kalmar, the Öland area but also Stockholm. They will be able to be seen and heard, but they are not fed with any ammunition and there is no danger to the public if anyone gets worried, says Therese Fagerstedt.

full screen Photo: ANDREAS BARDELL

Became a normal image

The plane flies together with the Swedish Jas 39 Gripen during the exercise.

– Sweden repeatedly has this type of cooperation in the air and it is a recurring type of exercise. It hasn’t been that many weeks since we last had an exercise like this, it has become more and more normal in Swedish airspace, says Therese Fagerstedt.

Just over two weeks ago, an exercise was carried out in which American B52s were led by Swedish military personnel over the Vidsel firing range in Lapland and dropped sharp bombs, which had not happened before in the Swedish-American cooperation.
