Azoospermia refers to the total absence of sperm in the semen. It is a cause of infertility in men.
Definition: what is azoospermia?
L’azoospermia is defined as a total absence of sperm in the semen. “Ejaculation is normal but the semen does not contain any sperm” confirms Dr Antoine Faix, urological surgeon. There are two types of azoospermia:
► Excretory azoospermia of obstructive origin : “the testicles function normally but the channels to transport sperm are absent or damaged” indicates the urologist.
► Azoospermia secretory : the testicles function poorly. “They will often be smaller than average” notes the expert.
What are the causes of azoospermia?
Obstructive azoospermia may be due to mutation of a geneoften associated with that of cystic fibrosis. It can also be a sequelae of a prostatitis type infection. Secretory azoospermia may appear at puberty or be linked to accelerated who are very fertile at 20 but who no longer have sperm around 35, a bit like early menopause among women” underlines Dr Faix. A problem with testicular descent at birth can promote azoospermia. Finally, Klinefelter syndrome is another cause of azoospermia. “Drugs, cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, obesity and lack of physical activity are contributing factors to azoospermia” adds the urologist.
What are the associated symptoms?
There is no no symptoms associated with azoospermia.
“The diagnosis usually results of a chance discovery during an examination when a couple cannot have children. This discovery is often very traumatic for the patient” recognizes our interlocutor. Azoospermia is detected during semen analysis, called spermogram. The absence of spermatozoa is confirmed under the microscope. “The examination must be carried out 2 times within 3 months to confirm the diagnosis” recalls the specialist.
Is azoospermia treatable?
Depending on the cause, azoospermia can be reversible. “Generally in cases of azoospermia linked to poor functioning of the testicles, the patient has a 1 in 2 chance of recovery” recognizes Dr Faix. In all cases, the quicker the treatment is carried out, the greater the chances of recovery. “Hence the importance of reminding patients of the need to consult a urologist, even when you are young“insists the expert.
In cases of secretory azoospermia whose cause is genetic, A hormonal treatment allows sperm secretion to be found. “When it is linked to an infection, it is sometimes possible to bypass the damaged area and restore the pipeline. defends Dr. Faix. In the case of obstructive azoospermiasurgery In most cases, it restores normal sperm transport. “But in cases where the transport channel is non-existent, we can only collect sperm and freeze them for future IVF” admits the expert.
Thanks to Dr Antoine Faix, urological surgeon.