Aya Nakamura, Emmanuel Macron and the Olympics: what they really said to each other

Aya Nakamura Emmanuel Macron and the Olympics what they really

End of February, L’Express revealed Emmanuel Macron’s wish to see Aya Nakamura sing Edith Piaf during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games. This possibility had raised the indignation of the right and the extreme rightwho saw it as a way of “dividing” and “humiliating” the French.

Thursday April 4, the President of the Republic assured that this decision was up to the organizers of the festivities… even though it is he who seems to have imposed this choice. According to our information, Emmanuel Macron met the singer during a discreet interview at the Elysée on February 19.

In this videoLaureline Dupont, deputy editorial director, goes behind the scenes of this exchange revealed by L’Express.
