Awakening: Zelenskyi calls for comprehensive peace talks An Estonian researcher estimates that the war will last a long time

Awakening Zelenskyi calls for comprehensive peace talks An Estonian researcher

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

Zelenskyi demands comprehensive peace talks

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi calls for comprehensive peace talks with Moscow. Otherwise, according to Zelensky, Russia will need generations to recover from the losses caused by the war.

– I want everyone to hear me now, especially in Moscow. Now is the time to meet, now is the time to talk, Zelenskyi said in a video released early Saturday.

Ukrainian army says it has “temporarily” lost contact with the Sea of ​​Azov because Russian forces have managed to cut off the route, news reports BBC (switch to another service). According to the Ukrainian army, Moscow’s key war targets have continued to be rejected.

The number one Estonian researcher: The war will last a long time

Director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute Kristi Raikin according to him, nothing has happened in international meetings yet that would give hope for a lasting ceasefire, let alone peace. Raik will be a guest at TV1 and Radio 1’s Ykkösaam today at 10.05.

More than 3 million people have already fled the war in Ukraine – where have they gone?

Almost two million refugees have already arrived in Poland. The Ministry of the Interior estimates that tens of thousands of Ukrainians are expected to come to Finland. When, the war continues, the fugitives are in even worse condition.

Kenya started flooding every year, only now the phenomenon is better known

What caused the lakes in western Kenya to flood every year? The phenomenon began ten years ago for no apparent reason and confused residents as well as scientists. Tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes when their reputation was submerged. It is now known that there are both geological and climate-related causes behind this.

Extensively sunny day ahead

Warm and dry air flows from the west. The southern and central parts of the country are sunny. In the north, the weather is more cloudy and it can get snow or sleet at times. The temperature in the southern part of the country is around 10 degrees. Read more about weather on ‘s weather website.
