Awakening: Xi and Putin meet | This is how the Sweden Democrats differ from their sister party, the Basic Finns

Russian oil flows to China but supporting Putin is not

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin meet

President of China Xi Jinping and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin meet today in Uzbekistan. Western countries are looking for signs from the meeting between Xi and Putin about how far China is ready to support its warring partner, writes an Asian correspondent Kirsi Crowley in his analysis.

The Sweden Democrats and the Basic Finns are on the same lines in politics

The Sweden Democrats, who have historically been very successful in the Swedish parliamentary elections, are on the same lines as the basic Finns in political issues. The parties are united by criticism of immigration, nationalism and criticism of the EU. There are also differences between the parties. According to the researcher, the popularity of the Sweden Democrats is more dependent on the personality of their chairman than the basic Finns.

Saimaa suffers from a shortage of cargo ships, and no solution can be found

Saimaa is now suffering from a shortage of cargo ships, because no new ships can enter the inland waters through the Saimaa Canal. So much wood is transported that more ships would be needed. The ships do not travel on the canal, because the shipping companies do not get insurance for traffic on the Russian side.

The weather is unstable

The weather is unstable throughout the country on Thursday. It rains especially in the area stretching from the southeast to central Finland, but showers can occur in many places throughout Finland. The temperature rises to a maximum of 15 degrees, it is clearly cooler in Lapland.

Read more about the weather on ‘s weather pages.
