Awakening: Turkey claims Sweden is arming Kurdish guerrillas The business community is pleased with the NATO decision

Turkey claims to supply arms to PKK evidence of

We will briefly cover the news and topics of the day.

According to Turkey, Swedish hackers have ended up with Kurdish fighters

In Turkey, allegations have been made that Sweden has armed the insurgents of the PKK in the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. Particular attention has been paid to Saab’s disposable sink. Turkey seems to have evidence that Kurdish guerrillas have had Swedish dividends, but that does not mean that Sweden has supplied them.

Applying to NATO allayed concerns about the Finland risk

The business community praises Finland’s rapid NATO process. The NATO application has alleviated uncertainty and increased Finland’s recognition in the world. For example, a factory project in Vantaa that would bring hundreds of jobs and cost hundreds of millions had been canceled due to the war, when the parent company began to hesitate – in the end, the Finnish NATO process saved the situation.

The state is investing millions to stop the loss of waterfowl

Today is sunny

The weather is rainy all over the country. In large areas it is sunny, but in some places on the south coast and in the north clouds may be more abundant. The temperature rises at its highest in the west to about 17–8 degrees.
