Awakening: This is how Ukrainians think about peace talks The nuclear power plant project in Pyhäjoki is a concern

Awakening This is how Ukrainians think about peace talks The

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

With such peace, Ukrainians would not agree to live – we asked Ukrainians for their views on peace talks

A Russian-made nuclear power plant project divides opinions in Pyhäjoki

The future of the nuclear power plant, which has been planned for Pyhäjoki for a long time, raises many concerns in the small community. According to the mayor, for example, local residents have wondered how badly the municipality’s economy is suffering now that the billion-dollar project is expected to collapse. We went to ask the feelings of young people, the elderly and the management of the municipality about it.

Climate panel: The electrification of energy production requires the resolution of various problems

The electrification of the energy system requires taking into account new types of vulnerabilities and problem areas, says a recent report from the Finnish Climate Panel. In the future, for example, intelligent solutions will be needed to charge a large fleet of electric cars in order to avoid energy consumption from charging spikes.

Houseplants enrich the diversity of the home microbiota

A recent study found that houseplants increase the diversity of the home microbiota. Already a few plants have an effect. According to the research team, more information is needed in the future, for example, on whether home houseplants could easily improve protection against allergies and asthma.

The weather continues to be cold

On Wednesday morning, low pressure will move from the northeast a little closer to Finland. It will drizzle on the eastern border and it may occasionally snow more in the southwest. The temperature during the day is mainly on the frosty side of the whole country, but in the south close to zero.
