Awakening: The US midterm elections are tense | Tax information published | The government answers the interim question

Awakening The US midterm elections are tense Tax information
The main news of the morning:

Control of the Senate becomes a suspense drama – follows the mid-term elections in the USA

Last year’s tax data will be released today – it’s not the highest earners who survive, but those who paid the most taxes

Tax revenue turnaround right now: This year is shaping up to be a record year, but then the tide turns

The government defends itself against the opposition’s interim issue together, but divided – this is what the restoration dispute is all about

Zelenskyi: Four million Ukrainians without electricity

There will be widespread rain

During Wednesday, the rain zone will spread over the southern and central part of the country. On the northern edge, the rain comes as snow or sleet. Driving weather is bad in places. In the south, the rains are water and the temperature is 10 degrees during the day. In the northern part of the country, the day is dusty and the temperature is slightly below zero.

Read more about the weather on ‘s weather pages.
