Awakening: The summer abortion decision shakes the USA | Most people’s sense of smell returns after corona

Awakening The summer abortion decision shakes the USA Most

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

The abortion decision in the USA can be seen in abortion clinics, in the homes of those waiting, and in election campaigns

In several US states, lawmakers and the judiciary are wrangling over how new abortion laws should be interpreted. The fate of abortion laws is one of the most important themes in the fall midterm elections.

Research: Most people’s sense of smell returns after corona

Nine out of ten people with mild corona recover their sense of smell within two years of getting sick. The recovery of the sense of smell was now investigated for the first time in a long follow-up study.

Minister Aki Lindén hopes for a mediation solution to the nurses’ labor dispute

Minister of Family and Basic Services Aki Lindénin (sd.) thinks that the culture of negotiation and agreement is in crisis, and extreme solutions are being used in the situation, such as the threat of mass layoffs from nurses’ unions.

The organizations are outraged by the government’s hastily pushed patient safety law, which would obligate protection work. Lindén is interviewed by Ykkösaamu on TV1 and Radio 1 at 10:05.

In Turku, the market site that has been in use for more than four years is starting to be ready – follow the opening of the market square live from 12 o’clock

The long-continued renovation of Turku’s market square is nearing completion. The renovation of the square and the underground parking cave were wringing their hands for years.

When the opening party is at hand, the surface of the market is almost ready, but work is still being done in the surroundings. broadcasts the atmosphere from the opening live in Areena from 12 o’clock.

Saturday is a rainy day

Today there are showers in different parts of Finland. It rains more than 10 millimeters in Northern Ostrobothnia and Lapland. The temperature is around ten degrees in a large part of the country.

Read more about the weather on ‘s weather pages.
