Awakening: The MPs would postpone the nurse assessment | Climate change threatens pistachios

Awakening The MPs would postpone the nurse assessment Climate

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

‘s survey: MPs would stick to the nursing measure for the elderly, but many would be willing to postpone it

The majority of MPs are not in favor of giving up the nursing measure for elderly care, according to ‘s MP survey. Instead, many would be willing to postpone increasing the dimensioning until later. It was planned to increase the ratio of nurses in round-the-clock care for the elderly to 0.7 nurses per elderly person in April of next year, but the shortage of nurses makes it difficult to implement the reform.

Global warming threatens walnut cultivation

The Greek island of Aegina lives off its pistachio plantations. Pistachios need a cold winter period to thrive, and climate change has become a threat to cultivation.

Addressing a student’s excessive absences varies a lot between schools

Pupils’ absences are dealt with differently in different areas and in different schools. According to the National Education Evaluation Center, the “alert threshold” for addressing absences varies a lot. There are also differences in how schools find out the reasons and what actions are taken to react to absences. Prolonged school absences seem to have increased even before the corona era.

The weather continues to be cold

High pressure will keep the weather mostly dusty for the next few days. Rain showers only occur in places and they are very small in amount. However, there is a rather cold air mass over Finland, and the temperatures are cold compared to the time of year. On Wednesday, daytime temperatures will be below ten degrees in the east and north. Even in the south and west, it stays below 15 degrees. It’s mostly cloudy, but in the west the sun can peek a little.
