Awakening: The government’s last budget rush to the finish line | Long covid is less feared in children

Awakening The governments last budget rush to the finish line

We tell the news and topics of the day quickly.

Marin’s government’s last budget rush to the finish line

The government’s negotiations on next year’s budget continue today at Säätytalo at 9 o’clock. Yesterday the Minister of Finance Annika Saarikko (central) said that the rising cost of electricity will be compensated for by both taxation and subsidies. Among other things, the reduction of the value-added tax on electricity and discretionary electricity subsidies for households have been on display.

We follow the arrival of the ministers and the government’s budget decisions in this story.

The restriction on Russian tourist visas is not immediately visible

Russian tourists will be granted fewer visas to Finland starting today. However, the restriction does not automatically appear immediately in the service center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which processes visas in Finland, because previously received applications have yet to be processed.

UN report: Serious human rights violations have been committed in China’s Uighur regions

There are fewer children with long covid to be feared, says an expert

Long covid symptoms in children and young people have remained rare, contrary to what was feared at the beginning of the pandemic. WHO is currently considering its own definition of long covid for children and young people. Uniform global practices in naming and defining would especially facilitate research.

Anthony Pender, owner of a 200-year-old London pub: “Most of them won’t survive the winter”

The price of energy drastically increases the cost of living in Britain. Inflation is also reflected in the price level of pubs, which in turn has caused some customers to reduce their consumption. This makes pubs even more cramped – according to a recent survey, up to two-thirds of British pubs may have to close their doors next winter if the government does not bend to support them.

Blowing wind and rain

A gusty north wind will also blow on Thursday. Cloudiness is variable during the day and there will be rain showers in places. In general, however, there is trouble.
