Awakening: Supo would criminalize the spread of fake news | Doctors: Abbot’s problems covered up

Awakening Supo would criminalize the spread of fake news

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The Protection Police suggests: Deliberately spreading fake news on behalf of a foreign power should be made a crime

Supo proposes a procedure in which the person who shares disinformation from a foreign intelligence service would first be warned. If the action continued, the act would be a crime. The professor of criminal law has reservations about the proposal.

Apot’s problems were swept under the carpet at HUS, doctors tell

The problems of the patient information system Apot have been covered up, say the doctors interviewed by . According to the doctors working in the hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa, user feedback has not led to sufficient improvements in Apot, and too bright a picture of the situation has been given to the outside world. According to HUS, the staff’s concerns have been heard, but Apot’s resources have not been sufficient to correct the problems.

People sweat in grocery stores and the Prime Minister advises to leave the tie off – This is how Spain is trying to save energy

Spain limits the use of air conditioning in public spaces and orders lights to be turned off at ten in the evening. Spaniards are also worried about the upcoming winter, when heating bills threaten to become more expensive. Spain still has an easier time than the rest of Europe in the energy negotiations started due to Russia’s gas squeeze.

Strong winds expected

On Saturday, a subcenter of low pressure will move north along the Gulf of Pohjan and strengthen the winds. At sea, the wind will be strong, and in land areas in the western and central part of the country, the wind will be strong in gusts on Saturday during the afternoon and evening.
