Awakening: Senate control for Democrats | The government convenes the Sami assembly law | Fathers celebrate

Awakening Senate control for Democrats The government convenes the
The main news of the morning:

Democrats take control of Senate – Majority leader: ‘Big win for Americans’

We found out the reasons why more and more people are now changing mobile phone operators – especially young people know why switching can be worthwhile

At the age of 15, Oliver Sundman found out he was going to be a father and wanted to keep a child – this is what it’s like to be a really young father

The government is dealing with the disputed Sami district law again today

ISW: Withdrawal from Kherson increases discontent with Putin

Father’s Day is mostly dusty

On Sunday, the wind will weaken and the weather will cool down throughout the country. With the high pressure, the weather is mainly cloudy. The sun also appears in the south as well as in the north. In Lapland it can be several degrees below freezing even during the day, in the south the temperature rises to nearly 10 degrees.

Read more about the weather on ‘s weather pages.
