Awakening: Scientists look for long covid subtypes Sad memories torment those returning to Irpin

Awakening Scientists look for long covid subtypes Sad memories torment

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

HUS got a big pot to study the long-term symptoms of coronavirus infection

The Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District HUS recently received funding from the EU of more than 6.5 million euros to study the body’s mechanisms behind the prolonged symptoms of corona. Among other things, the research, which collects Finnish and Swiss patient data, aims to find biomarkers, ie to locate changes in cells caused by the virus.

Nastya, 9, who experienced the bombing of Russia, continues to wake up loud at night

Families return to the destroyed home blocks in the city of Irpin in Ukraine. Among the returnees is Olena Tereshchenko and his 9-year-old daughter Nastja. Before leaving, they saw Russia bombing a friend’s house. Now courage and fear alternate.

Annukka Ylivaara took command of a battalion preparing for the worst – this is how the defense of the Helsinki metropolitan area is practiced

We went to watch the Sapeli combat exercise, which for many conscripts is the end of military service. The exercises have taken on a new tone when Russia invaded Ukraine.

Unstable weather marks Graduation Day

Graduation is celebrated today in varying weather. The entire west coast enjoys the sun and heat, but the rest of Finland suffers from deaf rain. They will be no later than this afternoon.

– This could be summed up so that it will rain in the morning, deaf in the afternoon and clear in the evening, ‘s meteorologist Matti Huutonen says.

During the evening, the weather becomes clearer in much of Finland.
