Awakening: Russia’s war crimes are being investigated in Poland | In Europe, cargo drones become part of everyday life

Evidence of Russian war crimes is being collected in Poland

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followed along when evidence of Russian war crimes was collected in Poland

Ukrainian authorities have opened more than 16,000 investigations into possible war crimes committed by Russian forces. That is more than the authorities of one country can investigate alone. Many European countries, including Poland, have come to the rescue. It is historical that the evidence is being collected at the same time as the Russian war of aggression is still going on. Research is carried out in different countries in collaboration, in parallel and partly overlapping.

In the cities of Central Europe, Air taxis and cargo drones will soon be commonplace

Renovation sites would also be sold in the countryside, it’s just difficult to find them

There are many vacant or underutilized properties in remote areas that are not for public sale. Now the supply of properties is wanted to be visible. Project manager of the Landemia project Tarja Vuorinen assures that buyers are also looking for renovation sites in very poor condition in the countryside.

On Sunday, we are still in helle reading

Thunderstorms moved from west to east during the night, and drier air is already flowing to the west. On Sunday, there will be thunderstorms in the east, and it will be mostly sunny in the south and west.
