Awakening: Russian attack rubs families The banking country of Switzerland is chasing the property of the oligarchs

Awakening Russian attack rubs families The banking country of Switzerland

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22.3. 06:19 • Updated March 22nd. 06:19

Banking country Switzerland has joined the front line and is now chasing the property of the oligarchs

Switzerland has joined the EU foreclosure against Russia. The country has turned its back on wealthy Russians and the country’s banks are now undergoing contracts and bank transfers to find funds under sanctions. The change means that Russian real estate and other property is being sought for confiscation.

news follows the latest developments in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its consequences.

“Andrei” from Moscow is arguing with his mother about the Russian attack

New recommendation for fourth dose of coronary vaccine nearing completion

The Department of Health and Welfare is expected to issue a recommendation today or tomorrow for a fourth dose of coronary vaccine. The renewal of the recommendation is due to, among other things, the increased mortality in recent weeks and the strong spread of the omicron 2 virus variant.

Experts would like to register civilian crisis expertise

The Finnish civilian population has diverse national defense skills, but people’s know-how has not been gathered anywhere. For example, the Lotta Svärd Foundation has stated that its goal is to make women’s crisis skills available to society.

The weather continues to be rainy

The weather is mostly sunny. In Lapland, the clouds are more abundant and the temperatures are in five-degree stages. Elsewhere, the temperature rises to a maximum of 10 degrees
