Awakening: Rail traffic problems continue between Tampere and Toijala The Finnish occupational health system is full of problems

Awakening Rail traffic problems continue between Tampere and Toijala The

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

Track work in Tampere and Toijala will be further delayed

The railway work between Tampere and Toijala, which caused congestion and delays during Midsummer, will probably continue at eleven in the morning on Monday. According to Fintraffic, the aim is to replace passenger trains with buses between Toijala and Tampere. Night trains, on the other hand, are waiting for the track to open. Midsummer track work is behind schedule in the East, the West and Central Finland. You can follow the situation in ‘s updated article.

Finland’s acclaimed occupational health system is full of problems, but there is little talk of them in public

In recent months, discussions on the meaningfulness of the Finnish occupational health care system have resumed, which began when THL’s Mika Salminen criticized the system as silly and ineffective in ‘s Korona-time financial statements.

Occupational health care works excellently, but at the same time it makes the Finnish health care system very unequal. In health care equality measurements, Finland ranks behind the OECD countries.

asked researchers about social policy and health economics. We compiled the problems that occupational health care brings to the Finnish health care system.

Peer support for substance abuse rehabilitators began 60 years ago at the Turku A-Guild

The Turku A-Guild was founded 60 years ago, on June 25, 1962. It started the treatment of substance abuse in Finland based on volunteering and peer support.

The Netherlands jumped to number one in Europe in the production of solar electricity

This spring, the Netherlands bounced even number one in Europe in the production of solar electricity per capita, overtaking Germany. We figured out what the secret of a rainy country is.

Monday continues to be hot

On Monday, the weather will continue in most parts of the country to be sunny, sunny and extremely hot. The weather front extends from North Karelia to Western Lapland.

Showers and thunderstorms are most likely to occur in western Lapland and in some places also in North Karelia.
