Awakening: Public sector strike ends The Association of Engineers is proposing a change in employment leave

Awakening Public sector strike ends The Association of Engineers is

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The public sector strike is coming to an end

More than 80,000 public sector workers are returning to work today after a week-long strike. The strike has had teachers, institutional caregivers and, for example, youth workers. In the same way, the students of the schools that were on strike will get back to the desk today.

A settlement proposal for the entire public sector labor struggle is also expected today. The presentation has been prepared by the Undersecretary of State Elina Pylkkänen the Conciliation Board. The show seeks to trigger both the threat of caregivers to resign and the strike in the rest of the public sector.

The Association of Engineers would renovate the employment leave

The employer would almost completely lose the opportunity to oblige the dismissed employee to work during the period of dismissal if the proposal of the Finnish Association of Engineers were implemented. After two weeks’ notice, the employee could start working leave, which would last until the end of the notice period. Employment leave could be used to look for a new job or to train in the workforce.

The border life between NATO and Norway came to a standstill

Norway’s eastern border was further silenced after Russia invaded Ukraine. The country’s government is fighting emigration with crisis packages and strengthening the North’s defenses. We met young Norwegian soldiers in Kirkenes, where hundreds of jobs are in danger after border co-operation ends.

For Italians, the San Remo singing competition is more important than Eurovision

Tuesday is warm and windy

Warm air flows from the southwest and Tuesday becomes a warm spring day, except in northern Lapland. Southwest wind intensifies and is gusty in much of the country. In the southern and central part of the country, the temperature rises in many places to 15-degree stages.
