Awakening: New information on the exploitation of Thai pickers | Sitra listed the megatrends

Awakening New information on the exploitation of Thai pickers
The main news of the morning:

The recording obtained by MOT reveals: The exploitation of Thai pickers was already reported to the Finnish authorities a couple of years ago, but the operation was allowed to continue

Nature’s carrying capacity is crumbling and the foundation of the economy is cracking – these five megatrends describe the times to come

The city on the eastern border will soon be heated partly with its own nuclear power plant – according to the professor, it will mark the beginning of a new era of nuclear power

An explosion in Kiev as a result of an airplane strike

MT-gallup: Kokoomus and SDP form the most popular option for the next government foundation

The year starts cold all the way to the south

On Monday morning, the weather will be clear throughout the country and it will mostly be five degrees below zero, in some places even more. In the afternoon Cloudiness will increase with the approaching rain zone in the southern and western parts of the country. In the evening, rains arrive in the southwestern part of the country, and during the night they move more widely over the southern part of the country. The rains are mainly snow, but in the south-west it may also rain at first.

Read more on ‘s weather pages.
