Awakening: Macron and Le Pen to continue in French election The labor shortage in child protection is testing the limits of the law

Awakening Macron and Le Pen to continue in French election

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

Macron will go into the second round as a pre-favorite, with France badly divided

Central Liberal progressed into the second round of the French presidential election Emmanuel Macron as well as the far right Marine Le Pen. Veteran candidate for the Radical Left Jean-Luc Mélenchon made a tough result.

The number of clients of social workers is illegally high – new posts are being created, but there are no applicants

In many cities, child welfare social workers have more clients than the law should have. The illegality of customer sizing is justified, among other things, by the fact that there are no applicants for vacancies for social workers. According to Talentia, a trade union for higher education in the social field, municipalities are not doing enough to attract new employees.

Mothers are the most exhausted in equal countries

A new comparative study of 40 countries reveals that in equal countries, mothers are surprisingly more exhausted as parents than in unequal countries. According to researchers, although equality is reflected in other areas of society, it is not yet sufficiently reflected in parenthood. Finland was the most equal country in the survey.

Check the tax return for at least travel expenses and a workroom deduction

According to tax experts, the pre-filled tax return should always be reviewed and income and deductions checked. Are the correct deductions entered and are their amounts correct? Tax returns for 2021 must be returned in May if you make changes to them. You can see your return date on the tax return.

Rain in the south, snow and sleet in the north

Over the central part of the country, the rains are gradually weakening, and a few showers of water or sleet are still possible in the afternoon. In the north, it snows or becomes snow or sleet quite common even in the afternoon. In the southern part of the country the day is rainy and quite sunny. The temperature in the south rises to a maximum of 5–10 degrees, elsewhere in the country the temperature is -1–5 degrees. Southwest winds are moderate in most parts of the country.
